Monday, May 30, 2011

Free-Talking/Class Make-Up

Here are the subjects you may have missed in class or free-talking if your class was cancelled. Please post a comment about the subject you are missing. You may respond to the questions below or say something else that is still related to the main topic. Please also respond to others as part of your time requirement.

1. People
A. Family
B. Your first girlfriend/boyfriend
C. Your hero
D. Your favorite movie star
E. Your role-model

2. Activities
A. Your job
B. Things you do with your friends
C. The last fun thing you did
D. What you do with your friends
E. What occupies most of your time

3. Travel
A. How to board an airplane
B. Your favorite method of travel
C. How you get from your hometown to Jeju Island (or another popular spot)
D. The process of traveling to another country from South Korea
E. How to book a trip with a travel agent

4. Food
A. Your favorite Korean food
B. Your least favorite Korean food
c. Your favorite non-Korean food
D. Your least favorite non-Korean food
E. Exotic food

5. Sports
A. Your favorite athlete
B. Your least favorite athlete
c. Your favorite sport
D. Sports you play
E. What comes to mind when you think of sports

6. Destinations
A. Places you've been in South Korea
B. Places you recommend to a foreigner
C. Places you've been outside of South Korea
D. Where you want to go for your honeymoon
E. The place you want to see before you die

7. Communication
A. How you use your cell phone
B. What you use your cell phone for the most
C. Your favorite means of communication
D. Your first love letter
E. How you keep in touch with people outside of South Korea.

8. The Future
A. Your dream job
B. Where you see yourself in ten years
c. What comes to mind when you think of the future
D. What color is your future?
E. What you dread the most about the future

9. Shopping
A. Your favorite thing to shop for
B. Where you shop the most
C. Reasons for shopping
D. What you dislike shopping for the most
E. What comes to mind when you think of shopping

10. Lifestyles
A. How you exercise
B. How you manage to be healthy in all ways (i.e. spiritual, mental, social,
physical etc.)
C. The most stressful part of your life
D. What you do to relieve your stress

11. Achievements
A. Your list of things to do today
B. Your greatest achievement so far
C. What you don't care about achieving that most of your peers want to achieve
D. What you want to accomplish before your life is over
E. What your parents want you to achieve but that you couldn't care less about

12. Consequences
A. The best choice you made that led to the best consequences
B. Your greatest regret
C. If you could do something over again, what would it be?
D. If you could change the past...would you?
E. The worst choice you made which led to the best thing in your life