Monday, September 26, 2011

Major English Homework

Today I gave the following homework in the "Major English" course that I teach: 1. Choose from the following passages in 1 John: a. 2:1-6 b. 2:7-14 c. 2:15-17 d. 2:18-27 e. 2:28-3:10 f. 3:11-24 g. 4:1-6 h. 4:7-21 i. 5:1-5 j. 5:6-12 k. 5:13-21 2. Choose a subject to talk about related to theology or Christian education. Here are some examples: a. The relationship between 확신 and faith b. The visible Church versus the invisible Church c. "Pastor, I don't believe in the Bible anymore." What would you say? d. Being the hands and feet of Jesus outside of the worship service. e. "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words when necessary." The most effective methods for telling the story of God. f. Authority without inerrancy? g. The future of the Church in the 21st Century. h. Church in Korea: from mission field in Korea to sending missionaries out to other countries. i. Where are the mission trips to the poor inside of Korea? 3. Homework for next time: I gave you a list of words from the handout in class. I want you to write out definitions of those words in English. It was difficult getting students to respond today, more difficult than last week. If you have ideas on why it was difficult, please feel free to post a comment on this post. I will hopefully have the syllabus finalized by the next time you come to class. Hopefully this will clarify any confusion you feel about this class. As always, feel free to e-mail me or post questions on this site. God's Shalom!