Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to This Blog

Thank you for visiting this blog. I started this blog as a way to keep track of my teaching practices. I intend to write about my teaching practices on this blog. I do not offer this information as if I have all the answers but I hope I will find answers to my teaching questions through this method.

Sometimes I will write for my students.
I will try to keep the sentences simple for you.
I know that my English is more difficult than English itself.
I hope I can also ask you Korean questions and that you can answer them.
And I also hope you will ask me questions and give me answers.
If you enjoyed the class I'd like to know what you enjoyed.
And if you didn't like the class, why not?
If you feel like there is too much homework, tell me about it on here.

I will try to post things on this website that will be helpful for me and perhaps for others. This blog is for professional development only. Therefore everything that goes on in here should be professional.

I look forward to many conversations with all of you. Because this is not e-mail, hopefully I won't have to sift through e-mail to find your messages.

Now before you leave, please post a comment.

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