Monday, June 13, 2011

Free-Talking Critique

Free-talking Critique
Having free-talked for a whole semester, I'd like to know what you think. Here are some questions I'd like you to consider and give me your feedback. If none of the questions interest you, feel free to add a different question and respond to that question.

1. What have you told your friends/What will you tell your friends and family about free-talking this semester?

2. If free-talking isn't required next semester, will you still sign up for free-talking?

3. What did you like about free-talking this semester?

4. What could have been a more interesting way of free-talking this semester?

5. Did you find the subjects from the textbook to be interesting things to talk about?

6. If you could have chosen the subjects independently of the book, which subjects would you have liked to talk about?

7. Do you think there should be a correlation between class and free-talking?

8. What was difficult about communicating with Brent during free-talking?

9. Would it have been helpful to receive handouts of examples of expressions you can use during free-talking?

10. What do you think is the most difficult part about having conversation in English? How is that different from Korean?


  1. It was good having Free-talking an atmosphere of freedom and my Free-talking time member is almost I know them. so very fuuny :) and I many learned about english expression. -KNU Special education 0952003 Goh Eunae.

  2. 1. What will I tell my friends and family about free-talking this semester....Just I say one word. that word is "Good!" because sometimes speaking english is makes very afraid me. but this smemster free-talking is I'm not afraid. because my free-talking time is very an atmosphere of freedome. so I'm very fun and interest. and I have a little gain confidence about speaking english. so I say "Good!" -KNU Special Education 0952003 Goh Eunae.

  3. S.E0952003Goh EunaeJune 18, 2011 at 3:02 AM

    And First comment answer of No.3 question. ^^;

  4. Special Education 0952003 Goh EunaeJune 18, 2011 at 11:09 AM

    8. Sometimes, I don't remeber english expression. so, I said korean. but Brent don't understand. if that is the case I had explain for Brnet. But explain is very difficult. T_T
    -KNU Special Education 0952003 Goh Eunae.
