Friday, January 13, 2012

Fulfillment in Teaching English

I'm looking for a job that fulfills me to the uttermost. Perhaps that is why I feel like I am sweating drops of blood to get my students to talk. And yet even after those drops of blood, I'm still not satisfied. Is the problem that I am in the wrong profession or that I'm thinking about it all wrong? My experience today, teaching children, suggested to me that it may be my thinking. I started off with some cognitive therapy and my classes seemed to go well. Students even seemed to respond well to the worksheets. Apparently students love worksheets. I think there could be a problem with me looking for fulfillment in teaching English in and of itself. To be honest, that isn't the reason why I started teaching English in the first place. Rather, I wanted to develop relationships with people of a different nationality and cultural background. My other challenge lies before me in working with another colleague this afternoon. It seems that if I think someone is better at doing something than I am that I erroneously assume that I am a bad teacher. I am determined not to be defeated with that type of thinking this afternoon. Meanwhile, I hope to learn some things from my colleague. Perhaps I can even make a list and apply them to my own teaching practices.

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