Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Yongin University Fall 2013 Final Exam Schedule

Please click on the link and choose a time for the final exam, available only on December 12, 2013.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Moment of Grace

I had an unfortunate event happen today in one of my most enjoyable classes. I apparently wasn't very clear in giving students instructions. I wanted them to make questions for the test. Up to this point, I haven't seen a lot of deep conversations about the questions I've made. I think my questions are too difficult and they don't seem to be all that interesting to the students. This was not an easy task in any of my classes, but there were clearly some communication barriers today. I typed questions on Powerpoint and then told students these would be the questions on the test. Upon further reflection in my next class, I quickly felt remorse for handling the situation in the way I did. So I decided the students and I need a second chance. Here are the questions the students chose. 1. What do you want to do this evening? 2. How about watching a movie this Saturday? 3. What do you expect your life to be like after you get married? 4. What are you planning to do this summer vacation to prepare for your future? 5. What are you going to do after graduation? 6. What are your plans for summer vacation?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

명지대학교 영어회화1 Teacher Chat 2 예약

1. Click on the blue "Book now" link below. 2. Click next to your preferred time. 3. Click the red "next" button. 4. Click the red "next" button again. 5. Click the red "done" button. 6. Check your e-mail for the confirmation. If you have any questions or problems, feel free to contact me. If for whatever reason, the link doesn't work, simply text me your name and e-mail address and I will sign up for you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Linking Story #4A (Because)

Linking Story #4A (Because) Hi, my name is Josh. I’m so sad right now because it’s Saturday night and I’m at home. Why am I home? Let me tell you the story. First I called my girlfriend because I wanted to go on a date with her. But she said, “I’m so sorry, I can’t go on a date because I’m studying the Talk Sheets.” Then I called my best friend because I wanted to play basketball with him. But he said, “I’m so sorry, I can’t play basketball because I’m practicing the MLU Dialogues.” Next I talked to my roommate because I wanted to go to a PC room with him. But he said, “I’m so sorry, I can’t go to a PC room because I’m reading the Reading Smart articles.” Finally I called my parents because I wanted to go to a restaurant with them. But they said, “We’re so sorry, we can’t go to a restaurant because you need to study the Talk Sheets, MLU Dialogues, Reading Smart articles, Linking Stories, Key Words, Dictation, and Oral Summaries. Actually, we want you to come home right now!” So that’s why I’m at home on Saturday night...because I have to take the Annyeong English final exam. I’m sooooo sad. Why is Josh sad? Why did Josh call his girlfriend? Why can’t Josh’s girlfriend go on a date with him? Why did Josh call his best friend? Why can’t Josh’s best friend play with him? Why did Josh talk to his roommate? Why can’t Josh’s roommate hang out with Josh? Why did Josh call his parents? Why can’t Josh’s parents take him out for dinner? Why is Josh at home on a Saturday night?

Linking Story #2 (Or)

Bethany wanted to get home quickly after a long day at school. She had to choose the subway or the bus. It was a hard choice. Bethany thought, “Do I want the soft seats of the bus or the hard seats of the subway?” Bethany liked soft seats. But then she thought, “Do I want a long walk to the bus stop or a short walk to the subway station?” Bethany was very tired. She didn’t want to walk far. Then she thought, “Do I want a cheap subway ticket or an expensive bus ticket?” Bethany had to buy some expensive books for her university classes. She didn’t have much money. Finally, she saw her friend Becky. Bethany said, “Where are you going, Becky? To the library or to your home?” Becky said, “I’m going home. Do you want to travel with me or travel alone?” Bethany thought, “Travelling alone or travelling with a friend is an easy choice.” So the two girls rode the bus together. They had a great time. What two types of public transportation did Bethany have to choose from? What two types of seats could Bethany choose from? Where were Bethany’s choices in terms of walking distance? What were Bethany’s choices in terms of the cost of the tickets? What did Bethany ask Becky? What was an easy choice for Bethany?

Linking Story 1: And

Adam was a university student who liked to play soccer and meet girls. On Monday, he went to the university and talked to many different girls. He liked Amy and Abigal the best. He talked to Amy in the morning and he talked to Abigal in the afternoon. The next day he called both Amy and Abigal. Amy said, “Let’s eat pizza and watch a movie.” Abigal said, “Let’s eat sushi and go to the singing room.” Adam planneda date with Amy on Friday and a date with Abigal on Saturday. Adam was very excited, and he called his friend, Wayne. Adam said to Wayne, “I’m going to date Amy on Friday and Abigal on Saturday.” Wayne said, “Wow. I think you have a big problem, Adam. Amy and Abigal are roommates.” 1. What did Adam like to do? 2. Which two girls did Adam like best? 3. Adam talked to them at different times. When (i.e. time of day) did he talk to each person? 4. What did the first person say she wanted to do? What did the second person say she wanted to do? 5. What exciting news did Adam tell Wayne? 6. According to Wayne, what was Adam’s problem?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Practical English Final Exam Details

Dear Students, Here are some details on what will be on the final exam. Vocabulary: Similar to the Mid-term exam Reading Smart A. The questions will be the same as when you did your homework. However you will want to memorize the sentence and not just the letter (i.e. A, B, C, D) that will be different. B. You can download the rest of the Reading Smart stories from the Annyeong English website. C. This test will not be timed. You can read it as quickly or as slowly as you wish. D. You will also have the questions in front of you so that you can answer the questions as you read the article. E. Only those articles which we discussed in class will be on the final test. F. Study: Re-read (다시 한번 읅으세요) the stories and compare your answers with the PPTs on the KNU website (If there is no PPT don’t study that reading story). Linking Story A. The script for each dictation is below. B. I will give you the questions on paper before I start reading the story to you. C. I will read the story myself instead of using the MP3 file. D. You will be expected to answer each question using complete sentences and the appropriate conjunction (접속사). You either get this question right or wrong. The answers are in the story so all you have to do is memorize the sentence from the story. E. Study: Read the three linking stories and answer the questions. They will be the same on the test. Dictations A. Each sentence will have the same number of words (i.e. 10). B. I will read the sentences myself instead of using the MP3 file. C. I will read each sentence twice. D. You should write the complete sentence. E. There will be no short sentences on the test (i.e. 4 words). F. Study: Check your answers with the answers I have given on the PPTs on the KNU website. If there is no PPT you don’t have to worry about those dictations. Novel A. I told you in class to study the back of the book. But this seems to be too difficult. You told me in class that you wanted to have multiple choice (선다형 문제). So you only have to answer those questions with A, B, C or D. B. There will only be questions about the chapters we talked about in class. C. Study 1. Read the summaries I included in PPTs I presented in class. 2. Be familiar with the names of the characters in each story and the story itself. 6. Speaking Test a. This will be the week after your writing test (15th or 16th week). b. There will be no test on the MLU Dialogues because we didn’t talk about them very much in class. c. You will meet in my office with a partner for 10 minutes. d. You will have a conversation with you based on the Talk Sheets. e. I will have a sheet that either has some questions and no answers or no questions but answers. Linking Story 1 (And) Adam was a university student who liked to play soccer and meet girls. On Monday, he went to the university and talked to many different girls. He liked Amy and Abigal the best. He talked to Amy in the morning and he talked to Abigal in the afternoon. The next day he called both Amy and Abigal. Amy said, “Let’s eat pizza and watch a movie.” Abigal said, “Let’s eat sushi and go to the singing room.” Adam planneda date with Amy on Friday and a date with Abigal on Saturday. Adam was very excited, and he called his friend, Wayne. Adam said to Wayne, “I’m going to date Amy on Friday and Abigal on Saturday.” Wayne said, “Wow. I think you have a big problem, Adam. Amy and Abigal are roommates.” What did Adam like to do? Which two girls did Adam like best? Adam talked to them at different times. When (i.e. time of day) did he talk to each person? What did the first person say she wanted to do? What did the second person say she wanted to do? What exciting news did Adam tell Wayne? According to Wayne, what was Adam’s problem? Linking Story #2 (Or) Bethany wanted to get home quickly after a long day at school. She had to choose the subway or the bus. It was a hard choice. Bethany thought, “Do I want the soft seats of the bus or the hard seats of the subway?” Bethany liked soft seats. But then she thought, “Do I want a long walk to the bus stop or a short walk to the subway station?” Bethany was very tired. She didn’t want to walk far. Then she thought, “Do I want a cheap subway ticket or an expensive bus ticket?” Bethany had to buy some expensive books for her university classes. She didn’t have much money. Finally, she saw her friend Becky. Bethany said, “Where are you going, Becky? To the library or to your home?” Becky said, “I’m going home. Do you want to travel with me or travel alone?” Bethany thought, “Travelling alone or travelling with a friend is an easy choice.” So the two girls rode the bus together. They had a great time. What two types of public transportation did Bethany have to choose from? What two types of seats could Bethany choose from? Where were Bethany’s choices in terms of walking distance? What were Bethany’s choices in terms of the cost of the tickets? What did Bethany ask Becky? What was an easy choice for Bethany? Linking Story #4A (Because) Hi, my name is Josh. I’m so sad right now because it’s Saturday night and I’m at home. Why am I home? Let me tell you the story. First I called my girlfriend because I wanted to go on a date with her. But she said, “I’m so sorry, I can’t go on a date because I’m studying the Talk Sheets.” Then I called my best friend because I wanted to play basketball with him. But he said, “I’m so sorry, I can’t play basketball because I’m practicing the MLU Dialogues.” Next I talked to my roommate because I wanted to go to a PC room with him. But he said, “I’m so sorry, I can’t go to a PC room because I’m reading the Reading Smart articles.” Finally I called my parents because I wanted to go to a restaurant with them. But they said, “We’re so sorry, we can’t go to a restaurant because you need to study the Talk Sheets, MLU Dialogues, Reading Smart articles, Linking Stories, Key Words, Dictation, and Oral Summaries. Actually, we want you to come home right now!” So that’s why I’m at home on Saturday night...because I have to take the Annyeong English final exam. I’m sooooo sad. Why is Josh sad? Why did Josh call his girlfriend? Why can’t Josh’s girlfriend go on a date with him? Why did Josh call his best friend? Why can’t Josh’s best friend play with him? Why did Josh talk to his roommate? Why can’t Josh’s roommate hang out with Josh? Why did Josh call his parents? Why can’t Josh’s parents take him out for dinner? Why is Josh at home on a Saturday night?