Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Linking Story #2 (Or)

Bethany wanted to get home quickly after a long day at school. She had to choose the subway or the bus. It was a hard choice. Bethany thought, “Do I want the soft seats of the bus or the hard seats of the subway?” Bethany liked soft seats. But then she thought, “Do I want a long walk to the bus stop or a short walk to the subway station?” Bethany was very tired. She didn’t want to walk far. Then she thought, “Do I want a cheap subway ticket or an expensive bus ticket?” Bethany had to buy some expensive books for her university classes. She didn’t have much money. Finally, she saw her friend Becky. Bethany said, “Where are you going, Becky? To the library or to your home?” Becky said, “I’m going home. Do you want to travel with me or travel alone?” Bethany thought, “Travelling alone or travelling with a friend is an easy choice.” So the two girls rode the bus together. They had a great time. What two types of public transportation did Bethany have to choose from? What two types of seats could Bethany choose from? Where were Bethany’s choices in terms of walking distance? What were Bethany’s choices in terms of the cost of the tickets? What did Bethany ask Becky? What was an easy choice for Bethany?

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