Thursday, December 2, 2010

Anastasia Final Exam Study Sheet

1. Who is Anastasia?
Anastasia is the princess who is separated from her family because of the man who sold his soul to destroy the family?
2. Who is Demetrius?
Demetrius is the boy who saved Anastasia’s life and who eventually falls in love with Anastasia.
3. Why doesn’t Demetrius take the money?
Even though Demetrius was after the money in the beginning he eventually falls in love with Anastasia and it is enough to him to know that she has found her family.
4. Why does Anastasia choose Demetrius over her royalty?
She realizes that being royalty won’t bring as much happiness as being with the man she loves.
5. Although this movie is simpler than others we have seen in class, what is one deeper characteristic of this movie not so clearly evidenced in other movies viewed in this class?
This movie features the classic dualistic motif of good and evil.
6. How would you summarize this movie?
At first glance, this movie is a simple childhood movie about a princess finding her prince, which is based on a true story. One could watch this movie at that point and think this is a very simple movie. Perhaps one could even understand the context of this movie as a learner of English, including what people are saying to each other. However, there is a deeper message about dualism and the soul and perhaps even between the dualism between the spirit (aka soul) and matter. When Anastasia breaks the glass and he loses his soul his body disintegrates into sand. Nonetheless, the moral of this movie is that good always prevails and that even when one’s motives leave something to be desired one can change one’s thinking and follow suit by changing one’s actions.

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