Friday, December 3, 2010

English Conversation 3 Final Exam Instructions

1. Come with your partner to the classroom at the designated time.
2. Be prepared to have a conversation about your chosen subject in a particular situation (i.e. coffee shop, meeting a friend on the street, going to the 노래방 with your favorite foreign professor etc.).
3. Talk with your partner and include the foreign teacher (aka Brent Dirks, 도영웅, 브렌트 더크스 [Quack, Quack]) in the conversation.
4. Respond appropriately to questions asked by your foreign teacher.
5. Ask your foreign teacher questions that require him to respond truthfully.
6. Don't expect to finish your script.
7. The final is over the moment the timer buzzes.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the foreign teacher as designated on the KNU website.


  1. 아악!!!!!!!

    This comment is three time. because, computer error. so, I'm very angry.....

    Brent! Hi!
    How are you? I'm....very very very bored.
    so, I am planning to study English.
    umhaha..!! :)
    English is verty difficult.
    so, thanks to you I am not afraid foreigner.
    Thank you Brent!
    I will pray for you!
    your good teacher for me.
    always happy!!

  2. Hyemi,

    I'm sorry for your aggravations with the computer. Next time you can send me an e-mail and I will post it to this blog.

    Enjoy being bored. I recommend reading a book a week, something I also intend to do the same thing during this vacation.

    I'm also hoping to continue my quest of mastering Korean. What are your study methods?

    I'm hoping to spend a little bit of time reading, a little bit of time writing, a little bit of time listening at home using and watching dramas with subtitles the first time and finally, LOTS of speaking.

    Thanks for your prayers. I need them!
