Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Simpson's Movie Final Exam Study Sheet

1. What does Homer say outside of the church as he is walking with his family to the front door?
Why do I have to go to church? Why can’t I pray at home?
2. What does Marge tell Homer in response?
Quiet. They can hear you from inside.
3. Why doesn’t Homer think the people inside the church are listening to what he is saying?
Homer thinks that the people inside are too busy paying attention to a God who doesn’t really exist to be listening to what he is saying.
4. Does Homer negate the existence of God or just the peoples’ ideas of God?
We don’t know for sure what Homer thinks about God. It seems conceivable that Homer believes in God to some extent since he expresses a willingness to pray at home. It would seem most plausible that Homer merely thinks the God the people in church believe in isn’t the God who truly exists.
5. What does Homer say to the people in the church when he walks in the door?
Homer says, “How are you? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus.”

Without understanding the idioms throughout this movie, this would seem to be a pretty simple movie to understand. It was interesting to watch this movie and see what students laughed at and what they didn’t laugh at. For example, when Homer is caught between a rock and a hard place, if the viewer knows what this idiom means, it’s a comical scene. However, there were other scenes that students laughed at, which seemed to indicate universal truths.
This movie seems to be much more family-oriented than most of the TV show series, at least as experienced by the teacher during his years of growing up with this sitcom. The most valuable parts of this film seem to be the emphasis on dealing with the environmental issues, Homer’s change in behavior and the triumph of the city over the US Federal Government. The movie concludes with Homer being reconciled with his family, apparently as a direct consequence to Homer risking his life and limb (body) for the sake of rescuing a “people I hate for reasons I don’t know”.

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