Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging Instructions for My Students

Here are the instructions for my students during the Korean Thanksgiving Holiday (Chuseok).

1. Read through any or all of what you see on this blog.

2. Click on "comment".

3. Type in the box to the right.

4. Click the box next to "anonymous" (Or you can set up an i.d. with Google or another source).

5. Click on "submit".

6. As more students post, please respond to what they write.

7. Please don't use your dictionary for this activity.

8. If you don't understand, ask, "What does ~ mean?"

9. The important thing is for you to read and write.

10. When you don't know how to say something in English you can use Konglish.

11. I will post examples on each of the articles I have written for you.

12. Here is what I mean by "Konglish": I 먹었다 rice.


  1. Please click on "Name/URL" so I know who you are.

  2. We have to start next week??? or now??

  3. You can start whenever you want to. It's probably best to do 15 minutes at a time. Then you can comment on other students' posts.

  4. You should finish this by the Sunday after Chuseok (9/26/2010).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hi.
    my name is choi dong yi.
    i want to we are speaking english
    i dont know.
    how about writing tham. and freely writing.
    very tired. 집안일 very hard.
    힘든 추석입니다.
    추석 잘보내세요.

  7. Lee Kae Jung said
    Yesterday I went to M.T. I was played variety game that "veskinravins 31, 3.6.9, 슈퍼에가면 뭐도 있고 뭐도 있고" etc. Now I am very tired but very happy. Beacause I am feeling membership of my major.

  8. Dongyi,

    In what setting do you want to speak English (i.e. class, free-talking etc.)?

    Why is Chuseok exhausting for you?

    Kae Jung,

    You had MT yesterday? It sounds like you are starting to feel connected with your fellow Secondary Special Education peers. I'm glad for this.

    Everybody else:
    Please make sure to comment on each others' posts. For example, what do Dongyi and Kae Jung mean by the Korean words they have written?

  9. Kae Jung,

    What is the connection between your experience of MT with this post and the other comments people have left.

  10. Hi, nice meet you.
    Here what do I say?
    ^^잘 모르겠어서 I write as free-talkig.
    I am going to hometown in tomorrow.
    I miss cheonan,univercity and professor.
    Happy pass Chuseok's time until again meet.
    See you next week.

  11. I don't know this coments. we have to coment rlated each post ? I confused . and I wonder how 자주 professor is here blog?

  12. Seo Nyeong,

    Thank you for your honest question. It seems to me that people don't quite have the hang of this assignment.

    1) You can/should comment on what I have written.
    2) You can/should comment on what others have written.

    If you look at the first comments of each thing I've written, you can see examples that I have written.

    For example, when someone uses a Korean word that they don't know how to say in English, you can translate it for them.

    You can agree or disagree with what I or other people have written.

    I'm not grading you on whether you agree or disagree. As is the case in class and free-talking the most important thing is that you are trying to communicate in English as much as possible in each student's case.

    Does this make sense?

    I get e-mail when someone posts on this blog and I am frequently checking this blog. But you don't have to wait for my activity in order to be active yourselves.

  13. Dongyi,

    What do you mean about writing?

  14. Hello. My name is Lee bit-na. 중등특수교육과.

    Chuseok is many family come to the big house.
    My home is big house. Big house means big brother home. So my 친척들 come.
    We play the game with many people. example, 강강술래.
    and we have to 차례.

  15. Hi brent
    I'm secondary special education
    young uk cho
    Flankly speaking I'm poor at english skill
    so, I don't understand your homework
    Anyway, Happy chu suk

  16. Hello, brent!
    My name is Chan Young.
    first, Thanks for your help.
    Today I received your message and then I was surprised 내용 of message. but l checked e-mail, after l relieved. so Thank you.
    I did not understand your homework. soorry.

  17. Bit-na,

    중등특수교육과 means "Secondary Special Education Department" though usually you say "Secondary Special Education Student" in English.

    친척들 means relatives.

    How do you play Ganggangsulae?

    차례 is a memorial rite you do on behalf of your ancestors, right? Koreans have a lot of different ideas about this. What does this mean to you?

  18. Yong Uk,

    It seems to me that you speak English quite well. Thanks for being honest with me. I'll try to say this simply.

    1. Try to write as much as you can in English.
    2. When you don't know a word or sentence in English, just write it in Korean.
    3. Please do not use a dictionary.
    4. Try to respond to what I have written.
    5. Also, try to respond to what other students have written.

    After reading an old e-mail today, I'm starting to realize that I may not be helping you all improve your English by speaking in Korean.

  19. Chan Young,

    I'm glad I could help you out.

    내용 means "contents".

    Please read what I have written above to Young Uk.

  20. Ganggangsulae is traditional play.
    Ganggangsulae make circle compose with people at night
    and they singing and 돈다.

    yes. 차례 is a memorial rite.
    we hope health, happy of my family . so we prepare very big food. I think this very waste.

  21. Hi, Professor!

    i'm lee jung bum, secondary special education 10학번.

    Professor, are you sending well Chusok?

    I didn't go to the 시골. Because rain too hard.

    all traffics stop. so, I could(?) not move.

  22. Bit-na,

    Does 돈다 mean the same thing as 돌다 (to spin)?

    Are you able to eat the food that you make for your ancestors? What is it that you think makes it a waste? The food or the time?

    I have to admit that I am a little surprised to hear you speak of this tradition so critically. Do you think that this tradition is still meaningful to your generation? Do you think it will eventually just be something people do that doesn't have much meaning behind it?

  23. Jung Beom,

    I think that ~"학번" is interesting. I'm not exactly sure how to say this. I guess this is just another way to say you are a freshman. Is that correct?

    You said "spend" which leads me to a question about Korean. I can say I will send (보내다) you e-mail or I can wish you to have (보내다) a good Chuseok. In English, you can say, "How are you spending your Chuseok?"

    To answer your question, I am in another city so it is nice to get away from Cheonan for a little while.

    시골 means home, right? How is this different from 고향 (hometown)?

    When did traffic stop (traffic jam or gridlock) because of the rain?

    I'm sorry to hear this.

    How did you spend today?

  24. Hi Brent, can i write any message here?
    or can i only write about cheseok?
    I think i'm not good at understanding.....
    anyway I didn't visit my relatives because of
    some reasons, but I had great days without worring about CM at all! thank you again :)

  25. 시골 means small town or country. 고향 means hometown, right.
    고향 could be big, small or anything.
    but there is nothing to see in 시골(it depens actually).

  26. Dayoung,

    The original idea was to comment on my original post or on what others have said. But somehow that message was lost in translation (literally) so you can talk about whatever is on your mind.

    I'd be interested to learn of the reasons why you didn't visit your relatives. You can talk about that here or in private if you don't want to say anything about it here.

    I suspect that you didn't worry (worrying not worriying :)) about CM because you promised you wouldn't worry. Good job on keeping your word.

  27. Dayoung,

    I missed your post about clarifications. That's what I was hoping people would do. It's very difficult to have one-sided conversations. You are not the first to do this correctly and you probably won't be the last.

    And I think you mean to say it depenDs rather than it depens, right?

    It's that answer of "it depends" that makes it confusing for a foreigner. I'm sure that English doesn't have any of those problems, right? All rules are fast and clear, thank goodness.

  28. I didn't visit my relatives bacause my sister came,she is a missionary, i cannot see her in usual time. so I wanted to stay with her at home. and my relatives' house is too far from here.:)
    I wrote 'it depens' and I meant that
    some countries have things to see like small building or supermarket, but some countries don't even have small market(just like my home),
    so what I wanted to say is it depends on each place. sorry for terrible explanation ㅜㅜ

  29. "학번"is other way of freshman. your thinking is right.

    It's my mistake that I used word "spend". sorry.

    "고향"is place that I'm born.

    "시골"is place that parents are born.

    or place that grandfather, grandmother lives.

    subway of 인천, 서울 stopped from yesterday afternoon.

    so I could not go to Seoul Station.

    I slept all day. 하하.

  30. yes yes
    돈다 mean spin . right.

    I can eat the food.
    I think my time and food waste.
    Becasue we cook the food while 4~5hours. My mom very tired.
    My relation come to late and go after only eat.
    And we can't eatting all food. So time and food waste both.

    um, I think this tradition is meaningful my generation. Specially to my grandparents. My parents too.
    So we follow them. Perhaps all people think that this tradion is very annoying.

    I think this tradition 계속 이어나가다. but not meanig to people.
    I think it will be just event of consciousness.. Nowdays young people annoying to tradition event.

  31. DaYoung,

    Your explanation was not terrible. I just wanted to make sure you knew how to spell "depends". And now I know that when you wrote "depens" it was just a typo, right?

    What do you think of Jung Beom's explanation?

  32. Jungbum,

    I'll spell your name this way in English since that is apparently the way you prefer.

    You don't have to say "sorry" when you make a mistake about English. Do you say "sorry" when you make a mistake adding numbers (I doubt you ever make this kind of mistake).

    Were you sad that you couldn't go anywhere by subway? It sounds like you had a restful day, anyway. How about the rest of your family?

  33. Bitna,

    Thanks for all the words you are teaching me.
    계속 이어나가다 means "continue to move forward", right?

    I wonder what the meaning of these traditions will be in the future. Will they be a rutual (something we do for the sake of doing them)? Will they continue to have some meaning, though that meaning may be different from that of your ancestors? Or will these things be a ritual? That is, something you do because it does something in you?

    It seems to me that as a country develops more and more people forget the traditions (aka [also known as] history) of their people. I worry about this with Koreans around your age.

  34. I tried to go to Seoul Station by subway.
    and I tried to go to Taegu by train.
    Because Taegu is in my big house.

    My family are resting in the house.
    My father is watching TV.
    and my mother is talking with 옆집 아줌마.

  35. hi. profesor. Dirk
    I'm yoon-jong.Choi.
    have you nice chuseok?
    I'm very tired chusoek because griddle the korean fried pizza and clean up to my family house with my mom.
    Yeterday, My brother's family visited my house.
    so,We have a good time. playing 윷놀이, 화투, teatimes and watching my cousin's talent show! It very fun.
    This years chuseok is very tired and very fun, good for me.

  36. Hello Brant i'm eung joon.
    추석 is Korea big holiday. So many car are in the 도로. So traffic is very very 복잡하다.
    But we like 추석. The reason is we meet our all family. And we eat dealisous food. And..we get the money..:D
    Antway have a good 추석
    See you...

  37. I think it will be a ritual. but we wish be happy continue to move foward. This happen is selfish..
    But already the essence of traditional is compromised.
    yes. i worry about we forgot the traditions. more and more people will be forget..
    This tradition 존재해도, not meaningful. this is very sad.

  38. Hello, Professor.
    My name is Paik Seung Hun. Secondary Special Education Student. i'm freshman.
    You don't remember me. I said 'CHEER UP'.

    I spent 추석 not good.
    Because, My grandmam very sick.◁ I spoke you last Free-talking time.
    SO, WE are so sad, 조용했다.(quite?)

  39. Jungbum,

    옆집 아주마 is a middle-aged women who lives next door to you?

    What is your "big house"?

  40. Yoonjong,

    I remember you as the model son who helps his mom during Chuseok. Do you feel like a good son, now?

    I know about 윷놀이. What is 화투?

    I've had a good Chuseok overall. I regret not being able to spend it with a Korean family though.

    It sounds like you spent your time well.

  41. Eung Joon,

    Just for clarification on my name (You're not the only one who made a mistake), it is Brent Dirks. It's funny you said "Brant" because I have a good friend with that name.

    How is 도로 different from 길?

    복잡하다 means congested or you could also say it is gridlocked.

    Is it true that some families only give money at the Lunar New Year while others give at both the Lunar New Year and Chuseok?

  42. Bitna,

    존재해도 means existence?

    I guess it is up to your generation to make sure the significance of this tradition stays alive.

    Any ideas on how to do this?

    Are you saying that to forget the tradition is selfish?

  43. Seunghun,

    Of course I remember you, especially with the "Cheer up" reminder. It sounds like you need some cheering up.

    What is your grandmother's condition?

    조용하다 means to be quiet is death, right? I take this to mean that things were very mellow and that there wasn't a lot of joking or laughter.

    The Korean language is quite interesting seeing as how I don't know how to say that in English as well as you can say it in Korean.

    I'm sorry to hear your Chuseok wasn't as upbeat as it could have been.

  44. Hi!!! I am Choe Gil Hwan

    My Thanks Giving Day(TGD) have been very hard time.

    Making Food(Dish?), Helping Father's jop, Inviting Grand Father Hous.....

    Time was likely 슈팅 arrow(화살)..

    Monday is comming soonnnnn,,,T^T

    But.!! I am MISSING YOU(Dirks) and Class mates

    I wait for Class.

    Bye! GOD BLASS YOU. (+ I Heard your major is 신학, and you are paster. I'm SURPRISE!!)

  45. My speak means we forgetting the tradition. But we still hope be happy. so we selfish.

  46. Hi brent! I'm Juwon Choi
    Do you have a good time in holiday?
    we got a week's holiday through your care.
    I really appreciate about it.

    I think your idea is that we interact with the other people in your blog, is it right?
    But ...
    It's a little bit difficult to comment other's opinion because I don't know who they are and sometimes I misunderstand what they say.
    also taking your class was first time to me
    so I felt nervous. I want to familiar with you like other student^^

    anyway have a good day and see you monday!

  47. Hi, Brent. I'm Lee seul bi, Secondary special education.
    During the Chuseok holidays, I had returned to my hometown in Sokcho and stayed at home.
    My grand mother and relatives visited my house.
    We made traditional Korean food.
    That's very delicious, but I was tired.
    Also my family visited maternal grandmother's house. I was glad to meet my aunt and cousin.
    We had a good time!

  48. Hi! Brent. I'm Lee Han Na.
    How are you?
    I'm fine.
    When the Chuseok holidays I assisted mom (housework, cook etc..)
    and I traveled with my family.
    Already today firday.
    Very fist time.
    See you monday.
    Have a good time!

  49. well I want to be a good son but I think not good son th my parent now. Because i think who got a job but not mine. It's very sad reality. 그렇기때문에 i so study hard.
    윳놀이 is korea tranditional game. 윳놀이 coordination 4 stick. and through 4 stick. and 4 stick is each combination has its own name. If one stick is over flat side up and three sticks are up round side up. this point is 1point. korean's called DO. DO is means pig. and 2,3,4,5point got a go to foward in the 판.
    it's very hard explain to you...ㅠㅜ
    Do you understand?? Dirk.

  50. 옆집 아줌마 is middle-aged women who lives next door. <- yes, you're right.

    She is my mother's friend. My mother talks everyday with her.

    My "big house"is my father's brother's house.
    My father is second. So father's brother's house is big house.

    Grandfather, grandmother is died. so 제사를 my father's brother's house에서 지내요.

  51. hi Dirksy professor

    my name is kang tae won 0724003 management

    Chuseok is our most important holiday

    Chusok is August 15 on the lunar calendar

    Songpyun is the special food that Koreans eat on Chuseok

    Dirksy professor What are your plans for Chuseok?

    I'm going to spend this Chuseok holidays with my family

    Please have a happy Chuseok

  52. Hi
    How are you?
    I'm Soso. Becase during 추석is Very tired
    My house is "big house" so we set the 제사상
    So We family prepare 제사food.
    Another reason is Many university homework.
    So i eagerly took on the assignment, as I hoped to improve My grades.
    Even now i have to My homework ㅜㅜ

  53. Gil Hwan,

    Time does fly when we are having fun, doesn't it? I feel similar to the way you feel. It's been a nice break for me, too. I'm sorry that it was not as golden as you seem to think it could have been.

    How did you help with your father's job?

    How did you do at shooting arrows? Is this the game where you have to throw arrows into a tube that is standing straight up and down? That's what I tried at the Cheonan Independence War Museum. I had beginner's luck at first.

    We'll talk about what you learned during free-talking. Yes, I did study theology and whether or not I am a pastor depends on your definition. I'm not in charge of a congregation. For now, YOU are my congregation.:)

  54. Bitna,

    Now I understand. I take it that you believe cherishing the tradition brings happiness? Where does this kind of idea come from? I'm only asking because it sounds interesting and quite different from where I come from.

  55. Juwon,

    I've also enjoyed having a week to rest and do other things. I thought I would spend more time catching up on things but that didn't happen.

    It sounds like you have understood the assignment right. To be honest, I'm not sure many people have understood the assignment correctly. In theory, I wanted people to correct other peoples' English mistakes. And I wanted people to help other people with words they didn't know in English.

    But this is okay, too. I guess it is difficult if you don't know them. But if you are commenting on what I originally wrote as well as students comments for 2 1/2 hours you will do well.

    The time is really important. I may ask you later.

  56. Seulbi,

    What did you do during the week or nearly one week that you had off?

    I would be interested to know what all the traditions you participated in during Chuseok mean to you.

  57. Hanna,

    What do you think about what everybody has written in these comments about this blog?

    Some of it is related to the blog and some of it isn't.

    I'm trying not to be a perfectionist about mistakes but it could get you into trouble using "fist" instead of "fast".:)

  58. Yoon Jong,

    I understand what you said in your explanation because I've played that game before. Have you ever played with boards like your ancestors originally played with?

    I believe 그렇게 때문에 means "in that way because", right?

    Now I don't quite understand what you are saying about being a good son or not. Are you saying that how much you study determines whether or not you are a good son? What is your definition of a good son?

    The job situation must be a little nerve-racking for you. If you study you are almost certain to get a good job. Is that right?

  59. Jungbum,

    In other words, you call your father's older brother 큰 아버지, right? I like this part about the Korean language. I know that in my case my parents' brothers had a lot of influence on me.

    One person on this blog has made some interesting points about the connection between the traditions of Chuseok and happiness. What do these rituals mean to you?

  60. Taewon,

    I'm a little confused by your comment. If Chuseok is on August 15th, why did you celebrate it this week? I thought Chuseok was on Wednesday.

    I believe your major is BUSINESS Administration and not just Administration, right?

    My how we've strayed from the original blog to talk about Chuseok. It's good to see that you all are so proud of your Korean heritage.

    I will keep asking, what do all these traditions mean to you?

    During Chuseok, I visited a city 2 1/2 hours from Cheonan, where I have been for the entire week.

    Also, why do you speak of Chuseok in the future tense when it is now over?

  61. Younghoo,

    I hear a lot of people complaining about Chuseok. Since we've rabbit trailed off the main track of talking about English or this class or this blog or whatever, I have a question. Is there a balance between being tired and these rituals you all do having some kind of meaning?

    I'm sorry I have contributed to your stack of homework. And I hope you are able to finish it soon so you can enjoy the weekend. If it makes you feel any better, I plan to spend part of my day preparing for classes tomorrow.

  62. Hi,Brent^^ I'm Im Hyeon Jung
    Actually i don't konw that homework exactly..;
    so i just writed about my Cuseok
    I'm had go(?) 산소 and the grandmather's house in the morning
    and i had seen movie with my parents at afternoon
    and had eaten the beef for dinner

  63. I'm very very despair.
    Because I write here thing become all clear. ㅠㅠㅠ

    hi brent !
    I'm chanmi Lee.
    Do you know my major?
    I think you know.
    My major is Secondary special education.
    how are you?
    I'm very tired..
    Because On chusyck, I worked as 며느리.
    but I'm happy.
    because I saw my grandparents in 강원도.

    Do you know 며느리?

    며느리 is special On 명절 in korea.

    I can't explain this word.

    I'm very sleepy now.

    Good night.

    See you!! :)

  64. Hyeon Jung,

    It looks like we are having a contest to see who will burn the most midnight oil. Since it's almost 2am I think I'll let you win.

    I would like you to comment on my post as well as on what other people are writing.

    산소 is grave, right? Did you have to do anything at the grave site or did you just pay your respects? How did you pay your respects?

    I think a lot of you are taking what you did during Chuseok for granted. You may be assuming incorrectly that everybody does the same thing for Chuseok.

    For example, who bowed to your ancestors during Chuseok? Who did the ancestral rites where you put food on a special table but you can't eat the food? Who went to church on Chuseok Day (Wednesday)?

  65. Wow!
    I really late.
    So many comment in this script.

    I have boring time in Chuseok.
    Eat, Watching TV, Dialogue with relatives.
    That's all.
    Also, our family doesn't go to ancestors graves.
    Because yester day at Chuseok, rainy day.
    So I think 'In next Chuseok or New Year's Day make something special and different.'
    Example, all relatives go to 목욕탕.
    How do you think my idea?
    I please more funny next 명절.

    Ah! Some special thing at Chuseok.
    My cousin and me long time no see.
    So we talk about 학교생활, 애인,집안사정 등 many things.
    We started talk at 9 p.m. and finished at 4 a.m.

  66. Today is a holiday.
    House in the countryside or relatives without having to go home with just the family celebrated Thanksgiving morning.
    Holidays can be eaten only (..) to share with them all the food eaten something that I really felt holiday.
    Oxygen also like to go to her the Holy Sepulcher, also shared this dish was eaten
    Chuseok Special programs on TV, looking at storytelling and spent a wonderful day.
    However, there is a problem. Stop Forgetting to pray for a wish on the moon is falling asleep.
    So the full moon tteoteotneunji tteotgin not even know it, the full moon, naenyeonenon I would have to wish
    Pledged. This year's Chuseok holiday season was good too long, the rest well during the holidays from next week swieoseo
    I will work hard for his exams.

  67. Hello Brent :)
    Duaring my Chusuck I was very excited.
    because long time no see my 친척들.
    SO, we talk about many thing.
    forexample school life, my major, daily etc.
    and I have eat many variety of food.
    my 외숙모 has excellent food. just like chef.
    and she is very fun. so I love her. :)
    Do you know 외숙모?
    외숙모 is wife of my uncle's.
    How did your Chusuck??

  68. hi Brent~!
    My name is Son Ji Hyun.
    I talk to my Chuseok.
    I went to my grandparent's hous in Busan before Chuseok(September 21). We made many Chuseok food. For example, songpyeon, tangkok, jigym, sikhye. This food is very delicious, but a little oily.

    On Chuseok, we bow to our ancestors.
    We watch TV and talk togther.
    It was very enjoy.
    Becaus we met cousins for a long time.

    Next day, we went to Haeundae.
    that day, it's a little cold. but many people enjoy surfing. Surfers are almost foreigner.
    There are may foreign tourist.
    And we walk along the beach.
    Our family saw full moon. It was very romantic.
    I spent very enjoy on Chuseok holiday.
    Have a nice day!

  69. Juyoung,

    You're not late, just later than some. You have an interesting idea about going to the Sauna or Shower house (I'm not sure how to define this well in English).

    명절 means holiday.
    학교생활 means school life.
    애인 means girlfriend or boyfriend.
    집안사정 means household growth, right?
    등 means so on, right?

    I'm sorry you couldn't go to your ancestors' graves. Was the rain really that bad?

  70. Jaesung,

    I don't understand what you are trying to say. It looks like you tried to use a translator. Try again and just write Korean when you don't know how to say something in English.

  71. Eunae,

    친척 means relatives.
    외숙모 means aunt (almost the same as what you said).

    My Chuseok was good. I spent it in another city I'll be sad to depart from tomorrow (Sunday).

  72. Jihyun,

    I wonder why mostly foreigners surf. Did you also see some Koreans surfing?

  73. Hi, professor~
    My name is Lee Ji Young.
    I went to the movie theater with my brother at night.
    I watch a Korean movie.
    This is "시라노 연애 조작단"
    The movie is romantic comedy.
    It is very interesting.

    My older brother is emergancy 구조사.
    He is very besy.
    So I can't often see him.
    I'm so happy to watch a movie with him.
    Chusok is very happy day.
    Because I have a nice time with my family.
    Thank you, sir.

  74. Hello. My name is Pyeon soll lee. i'm 중등특수교육과.

    Chuseok is many family come to the country.
    My home go to the country. So my relatives come to the country.
    we cook a dish. for example 송편,전,약과 and so on.

  75. Brent! I'm seul bi.

    I don't know what you say.
    Sorry! I don't understand.
    During Chuseok, there was too much food.
    So I ate many foods.
    The food I ate is 전, 송편, 한과.
    But they are high calorie.
    I think I have gained weight.
    I have double chin!!

  76. Yes, "큰아버지"is right.

    I think the tradition of Chuseok is good to be able to meet all the relatives.

    Long time have not met. so time is a fun and happy to meet relatives.

    talk with, play game and special foods to eat.
    "Cuseok=together" is good.

  77. hmm.. so easy! thank you! :)

    Did you have a happy chuseok??
    I wonder what did you at Chuseok.:D

    Tomorrow we'll meet! great~^^

    ah!!, I just saw you before 1 hour ago(?) in Yawoori bus station.
    I wanted to say "hello!" to you, but I can't because you walked really fast! ^.^;;;;;;; and you disappeared in an instant.............................

    you..are so so so fast. :D

  78. I really thanks to your effort(as to our English ability 올려주다).
    Very Very Thanks you~♡

  79. Hi,professor!
    My name is Jung su-hee.
    I'm major in special education.

    um....first, I'm sorry. I didn't know your assignment.(I don't have friend...?^^;)
    I'm very very late. sorry...

    My hoilday, chuseok was break time!
    I was very tried since started this semester.
    so In chuseok, I had a break time.

    My father is first son.
    so, Our family and relatives made chuseok food in my house, first day of chuseok.
    Of course I made food.
    most of woman were very busy and tried in Korea chuseok .
    I'm 유일한(one, only?) daughter in my family.
    so, I was very very busy to made food.
    But, I was happy to met my relatives and ate good food.

    Finish made food, I and my cousins went to a movie.
    We saw 'Resident Evil 4'. My older brother(cousins) chose this movie.
    It was very very cruel! I don't like cruel or action movie.

    Next 차례(It means that...we serve food to ancestor??),
    We started go-stop(고스톱, one of game??).
    My brother won this game. It was very interesting!
    Lats holiday, I very enjoyed!^^

  80. Jiyoung,

    구조 means rescue, right? Is your brother a paramedic or a doctor?

    What was the movie about? I take it this is a Korean movie, right? Would you recommend it to someone else?

  81. Sollee,

    You are Secondary Special Education or you are in that major?

    What part of the countryside did you go to?

  82. Seulbi,

    What didn't you understand? Was it my Korean or English that you didn't understand? I'm sorry for the poor Korean.

    I'll be curious to see whether you have a double chin. I don't think you have anything to worry about.

  83. Jungbeom,

    I like what you said about family being the importance of the tradition of Chuseok. I wonder if everyone agrees.

  84. Minhee,

    Is it okay if I spell your name this way?

    You thought this assignment was easy? Does that mean you understood my poor Korean and English?

    I'm sorry I didn't greet you at the Yawoori. You looked pretty tired when you got off the bus. Next time, I will be sure to greet you and won't worry about the other person being a foreigner.

  85. Songwon,

    올려주다 means please increase, right?

    I agree with you that I need to help you with this. If we all make an effort, I bet I can help you improve your English ability. I think effort is the most important ingredient in order to do anything well.

  86. Suhee,

    No problem with you being late. You don't have any friends? I hope that's not really true. If it is, we'll have to do something about that. I know a lot of good people.:)

    Yes, you are right that 유일한 means you are an only child. Do you not have any siblings? If not, you are an only child AND the only daughter.

    I have heard that Chuseok is very difficult for women. I hope that as time passes, men will worry less about what their family thinks and jump up to help their wives prepare for Chuseok.

    How did you observe the ceremonial rite for your ancestors?

    Yes, I know about Go-Stop. I tried playing this one time and had a hard time understanding, though I played with two Koreans and two foreigners.

    Congratulations to your brother (Now I know you are the only daughter).

  87. Hi, professor~!
    Did you enjoy the school festival?
    I'm very busy to prepare presentation and assignment. so, I'm sad....^^;

    It's true...I'm alone..
    My friends are busy to 임용고시(pass a exam to become a teacher??? ) study.
    But, I'm ok!^^
    And, yes, You are right.
    I'm only daughter. but, I have one younger brother.

    I don't understand this sentence
    'How did you observe the ceremonial rite for your ancestors?'.
    Next week free-talking time, Could you explain this sentence? please~

    So, I hope that you have good time this week.
    See you next week~! ^^

  88. Brent~~~~~~~~
    I'm Kim hyo eun.
    why delete my comment? ㅠㅠ
    My comment has been erased.....I don't know !
    Anyway...How was the festival ?

  89. Hi, brent.
    I`m Jeong sangbin.
    I will start 활동 in your blog now.

  90. Suhee,

    I believe you could say that 임용고시 is a teacher certification test.

    How do you like having no sisters and only one brother? One of my female friends told me once that I missed out by not having a sister.

    I don't think I ever explained the sentence you asked about. The question is whether you bowed to your ancestors or your older relatives or went to church or whatever.

  91. Hyoeun,

    I'm sorry about erasing your comment. I only meant to erase my comment because I confused you with one of your seniors.

    I didn't participate in much of the festival but had fun buying junk food (I was disappointed that the food I bought left me feeling like a glutton even though I thought it would suffice for a regular meal).

  92. Sangbin,

    I believe 활동 means activity. Is that right?
