Monday, September 13, 2010

Teaching with Tools

Next week marks the beginning of the third week of the semester. I'm feeling better about classes this semester with the books that I purchased. It's unfortunate that I didn't do this sooner. I am learning about some better methods to use to teach class. In former days, I didn't do much with games, partly because it is difficult to explain them. Instead, I would stand up in front of the class and try to get people to talk. This would often result in frustrating the students as well as myself. It seems that the students are more interested in English than I thought. They just need to have more opportunity to "release" at their own pace when everybody in the class is not watching them.

Another aspect outside of the class that I am playing with is free-talking. The university where I work only requires 6 hours of free-talking. This could mean that I only have to meet 6 students outside of the class. I decided to free-talk with my students, all 110, instead of giving them a writing assignment. I think it is important for students to practice speaking English outside of class. But I don't think writing is the way to help students improve English Conversation skills, for instance. This is a tiring task but it seems to me to be a valuable one.

Feel free to leave a comment about whatever class you are taking, or if you are a student or whatever. I'll try to post the names of these books that are making these classes more delightful, or so it seems to be.


  1. I like class this semester. I don't like homework . but free-talking out of class is very hard. because free-talking time is too short. of course I know you are very busy. so I'm wory about that.

  2. Seo Nyeong,

    Congratulations on being the first one to comment on this post.

    Thanks for the compliment. I hope you continue to be pleased with class this semester.

    If you want more opportunity to free-talk, check the schedule I e-mailed everybody and see if you can find a smaller group.

    Otherwise, you are welcome to find another free-talking time if your schedule allows. There are some times on Thursday mornings if you want more free-talking opportunity.

    Are you worried about me being busy or you not having enough opportunity to free-talk?

  3. I worried about you being busy. because I doesn't think another group time. Thank you for your comment. I will check me and your schedule.
    ps. I want chage my free-talking time, so I was send e-mail. pleas check your e-mail^^

  4. Seo Nyeong,

    Thanks for worrying about me being busy. But remember my job is to help you learn English. That is THE most important part of my job.

    Instead of saying, "I will check me and your schedule" you can say, "I will check your schedule and compare it with mine." In English, you usually say "I" after the other person. For example, "You and I are going to be late."

    I got your e-mail.

  5. I appreciate you try to free talking all of your students.
    (sorry, can you understand this sentence? )
    Free talking is very good for studying English.
    I can be more intersted in your class because of free talk.
    Don't be frustrated,,ㅜㅜ
    You're very good teacher!
    many student and I also make greater effort
    than last semester to take your class

  6. Hyemin,

    Thanks for appreciating my effort to free-talk with all of my students (aka you).

    Free-talking is a lot of work but I'm enjoying getting to know my students. That gives me a more informative understanding of how best to teach you all and when people don't talk in class I have something to compare that experience to. That means I am less likely to criticize people unfairly.

    I presume everybody gets frustrated at some point. Thanks for your encouraging words.
