Monday, September 27, 2010

Making sentences...

I had some difficulty with a game I thought would work out well. The idea of the game is that people have to make a story based on the information that is presented to them. I started with, "I came to KNU to teach a class." The student I called on had trouble saying that she tripped over the desk. This game continued to be a struggle, so I moved on to the next activity.

In the next class, I had people get in groups. This worked a little better. But it was still difficult to get students to make a story. A lot of times students would make one sentence. But it was difficult for them to make a continuous story. I helped them by giving them an example using words like but, then and so.

This experience is something I've experienced often in the two-and-a-half years that I've lived in Korea. It seems that the most difficult thing is for students to make sentences. I tend to see my job as "forcing" students to speak in English. But in some cases, it seems that students still need me to hold their hand. That is to say, they need me to continue to teach them grammar.

This is difficult since my Korean level is still not on par with the level needed to do this. I think a common problem students have is a lack of motivation. Or perhaps it is the fact that the situation is not real. I find free-talking to be more comfortable because it is really conversation with a small group of people. I wonder what I can do between the rock and the hard place where the students and I are. I see the rock as the requirement that students take this class whether they want to or not and the hard place is the fact that students have not been trained well about how to make a sentence.

If you are one of my students, how do you rate yourself as well as your fellow students on this matter? Are there things I can do to improve your ability to communicate in English?


  1. Saeng Myeong Kim(중등특수교육과)September 27, 2010 at 9:45 PM

    Oh, I'm surprised and I don't know what to say.
    after long time... I read my mail this homework
    I'm sorry but I'm late.
    Did you have a nice 'Chuseok'?
    umm...I'm very tired 'Chuseok'
    I'm very(x100) busy last I didn't use a internet.
    When is the deadline..? ㅠㅠ

    I' late but, I'm effort to the comment homework.

  2. professor,
    anyway, I should a comment..?
    now I'm reads about subject in blog.
    after I read and think, I saw your great opinions.
    good idea professor.

    I hear that 'free-talking'
    well... first think, I can't and It's not simple.

    but first free talking time 후에,
    In my opinions was change. oh..That's it~!
    difficult yet, but "I can"(my mind)
    I feel.. free talking time is short.
    I..(유창하진 않지만?)speaks not well. but I like it. very intersting.

    from now,
    our english class watching movie?
    the name is 'I am sam'?
    This is good choice.
    I'm watching this movie, I was young children.
    and I was cry.
    this movie very famous of special education.
    because, saw the movie after, talking about the subject in movie, I'll think... good영향을 끼칠것 같아요.

    see you tomorrow professor^ ^
    (tomorrow morning, freetalking time...)

  3. Well, you are probably not too surprised. I think this is a common occurrence in all my classes. I'm just trying to find some ways to address the problem.

    What do you think of my idea about "forcing" people to speak English? Is there something else I can do?

    Yes, thanks for asking, I did have a nice Chuseok. How about yourself? Why was it tiring?

    "I'm very busy" means "I was very busy", right?

    I sent you e-mail about the deadline.

  4. 후에 means "after".
    유창하지 않지만 means "I'm not fluent, however," right?
    영향을 끼칠것 같아요 means "...seems like a [good] movie"?

    I said at the beginning of the semester that we would watch a lot of different kinds of movies.

    I think "I Am Sam" will be on that list.

    But I don't want to watch the same movie over and over like we did last semester.

    Also, "I Am Sam" is not a dramatic movie so it will be more difficult to keep peoples' attention.

    But I think it will be a good movie to show students majoring in Special Education (Elementary, Secondary and otherwise).

    Yes, I will see you tomorrow.

  5. Professor^^
    I want to go free-talking.
    But, I must listen special calss(특강).
    So,I couldn't free-talking.
    And,I am typping in your blog. hahaha...
    Uhmm... Could I write comment in here?
    Because,This comment is about free-talking subject of this week.
    One of my life changed events was I feel love of my parents. When I didn't know and feel 마음대로 activity,talked and though. But,Now I careful activity,talk and think when I known truly love of my parents. So,I started live that Changed activity,talk and think. This is Changed life.
    Now, I effort to live hard my life.

    Today,have a nice day. And see you next monday. Good-night.*.*

    By the way, Did you your-life change through events?

  6. Minjung,

    No problem about free talking because of a special lecture.

    마음대로 means "as one likes", right?

    I think a lot of experiences have affected my life. The most recent is this last vacation when my mom was really sick. Hearing the anesthesiologist (doctor who puts surgery patients in a deep sleep) tell us that she might not make it was scary.

    That made me think twice about living so far from my family. It certainly showed me the importance of family, something I questioned before.

    Thanks for asking.

  7. 마음대로 means "as one likes" correct.

    Also...Thank you for Your answer about My question.

    and...Family are really valuable.
    Professor! keep the steam up^^!

  8. if, i had free talking.
    Although 1 time, but this is my
    english conversation level is change.
    free talking is my confidence up!up!
    I got to anticipate free talking.
    (brent...sorry...ㅜㅜ my grammar is suck..)

  9. Minjung,

    What does "keep the steem up" mean? Is that a Korean expression translated into English? How about this one: "Keep the candle burning"?

    You should say, "Family is really valuable" because we only have one family, right? You can also say, "Families are really valuable".

  10. Hyeyoung,

    I'll help you with your grammar. See my corrections and comments below in brackets and parentheses, respectively.

    Although [I've only had free-talking one] time, this [has increased my conversation ability].
    Free-talking [has also increased my confidence].
    I've come to anticipate free-talking.
    (brent...sorry...ㅜㅜ my grammar is [poor..)

    A word about "suck": This is very informal and can be a bad word depending on the context. It is not usually used on a professional blog such as this one but is more common in text messages or in casual conversation with friends (people of the same level).
