Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Free-Talking Substitute: What Event(s) Has Changed Your Life?

If you have chosen to spend thirty minutes on here instead of free-talking, here is what I would like you to do.

Talk about a special event (i.e. school, teacher, history) that changed your thinking.

Some of you may think this means you have to talk about a big event that was a matter of life-and-death. But that is not the case at all. Just think about who your favorite teacher(s) was or whom you have had the closest relationship with? Or how about which traumatic historical event you remember the most? Why does it stand out in your mind more than the rest?


  1. When I was a high school student, I lived in Busan. My hometown was Ulsan. So, I had to seperated from my familiy. Instead, I lived in school dormitory with my classmates. We missed our family so much but,we can also have a new family(my friends!). It was a turning-point of my life. Also, My character was changed. From that time, I was changing as more independant, determinative, confident person. After I graduated from school, I can never forget my second family. Because they were always being with me, I can overcome my hard times. So, I think that it is a big event of my life!

  2. Kim si ron (특수교육과)September 30, 2010 at 12:05 PM

    교수 , I'am 특수 교육 학과 학생 .

    난 당신의 블로그에 의견을 남기려면 의 다름이 아니라 , 제가 대신 자유 소리 에 참석 하지 않았다.

    난 여행에 관한 얘기를하고 싶소 .
    당신이 교수 에 여행 에 대해서 어떻게 생각 합니까?
    난 여행 을 많이 좋아.
    그래서 내가 자주 여행을 다닙니다.
    여행은 내게 에너지를 주고, 새로운 모임을 도와줍니다.
    아주 새로운 사람을 만나 행복 합니다.

    어디 여행 에 가보셨어요?
    당신은 제주도 에 가본 적이 있다면 , 당신이 여행할 수 있으면 좋겠다.
    제주 의 작지만 아름다운 섬 .

    난 자유 말하는 , 그렇게 블루스 에 참여하지 않기 때문이다.
    그래서 나는 다음 주에 보자.
    좋은 주말 되세요.

  3. When I was high school student, I must early get up in the morning at 5:40a.m.
    Because, my house and school is very far.
    So, I hate my school place and address.
    Also, I always sleep during lunch time.
    I'm short of sleeping(그래서 지금 키가 작은가 봅니다.

  4. When i was middle school student, I did extracurricular lesson. At that moment, I met extracurricular lesson teacher.
    Teacher teached me not only studying English but also ambition. She give me my's ambition to be a great special teacher. At that time, I hated the teacher. However, when i think of it now, I owe thanks to her

  5. I remember a teacher in middle school remains in.
    I hated the teacher Because beating, cleaning and, reprimand Writing
    One day, my mom is sick in the hospital longer were you.
    at that time, i not deviate hold teacher.
    So I went on to safety in high school.
    The dream did not give up.

  6. When I was high school grade 2.
    I meet Counselor.
    Then I confused life.
    Because, my grand father is dead.
    Then counselor give to a lot of cheering.
    Since then, I think that 'I is important person.'

  7. hi kang tae won management 0724003

    When I was a high school student 3 grade
    I was addicted to the computer
    In Korea, it is important to high school, Grade 3
    because um...example korea SAT
    but becase computer i am A requirement to study hard i was Did not get good results

  8. 저는 교수님이 쓰신글을 다 해석하지 못했습니다.
    이 과제를 할때 사전이나 기타 다른 도구를 쓰지 말라고 하셨기에 제 능력을 다해 합니다.
    특별한 행사로 나 자신의 생각에 대한 변화에 대해서 talk하고 있다고 생각합니다.

    저는 행사에 의해 생각이 변화되어 지진 않는다고 생각합니다. 행사에 의해서는 기분의 좋아지는 것 뿐이지 행사로 인해서 변화되어 진다는 생각은 하지 않습니다.

  9. hi professor .I'm yu ni ge.
    when i was 20 years old , I didn't apply to a university. because i don't know my dream, and what i want to be . so i was studied 수능 .
    at that time, i was very difficalt.
    because my friend was fun and please but i'm not. so i was envious of my friend.
    but i was studied hard, so i entered this university. i think that this time was changed me that find what i want to be.
    so i'm satisfying now. because i attend nazaret university , and i find my dream.
    thank you.

    수능 is the callege scholatic ability test.
    i find dictionary.

  10. Kim so jeong (Secondary Special Education)October 2, 2010 at 11:22 PM

    Hello, professor.
    I am Kim So Jeong in Secondary Special Education.
    How was your weekend?

    I read your writing about Free talking.

    When I had 8 years old, that is 1 grade in elemantary school, I met a class teacher.
    So this teacher is my favorite teacher.
    This teacher's name is Ha jung ja.
    This teacher comforted me and gave courage.
    So, at that time this teacher gave me much confidence and I changed so much.

    Also, thanks to this teacher, I had a dream about teacher.
    I will work hard to my dream.
    So, I will become great teacher like my favorite teacher.

  11. when I was 14 years old
    I went to New Zealand about two months and I went to school. From there I met a teacher who is really kind. That time I was really hate English and 자신이없었다, but the teacher change my mind. She always cheer up me and make me friend with English. Thanks to the teacher, I could like English and more effect to learn English.

  12. I had a special event although it was a big event that was a matter of life-and-death.
    when I was freshman, I didn't live in dormitory.
    So I went school by subway.
    One day I was taking the subway, suddenly the subway wasn't going anyway for 10minute!
    I was really confused because that time my class was chaple.
    Moreover if I late the class one more time, I got a Nonpass..
    Finally I was too late..I got a NP T.T

  13. When I was elementary school student, did not forget special teachers.
    He was thought importantly physical education and Chinese character.
    So every morning I turned 10 laps with a large yard.
    And, every Chinese character test was 100.
    Even at study time, he always had fun.
    Interestingly, eight years after graduating from elementary school, he lived next door to us.

  14. I had been living with my grandma.
    When I was young, I think that 'My grandma loves my sister more than me.'
    So I didn't listen to her word.
    When I was 14, my grandma died. She said before she died 'I want to see granddaughter.'
    I met her before died, but she don't know me.
    After her died I have regrets. So sometimes I dream about her. In the dreams, I apologize her.
    I would be good to around people.

  15. I want to talk about a festival when this week. usually I doesn't like festival. because festival is too noise to talk with my friends.
    but this festival was so interesting. 유명한 singer, 먹거리, etc
    so I will looking forward next festival.

  16. Hi, professor.
    I'm Lee seul bi secondary special education.
    My homeroom teacher in the third-year class was very kind.
    When I was tired and hard, he always encouraged me.
    Whenever he encouraged me, I cheered up.
    He consulted with his student about study, career regularly.
    He is the best teacher that I've ever met.
    Since then, I decide to become a teacher.

  17. An event that changed my life is friend's explanation.
    My friend want to be a special education teacher.
    She explained what kind of work teacher for childern.
    I don't know about special education.
    but I heard that I want to be a specail education teacher.
    and I think that this kind of job proper to me.
    So, I study and I can major in special education.
    but my friend major in early childhood education.

  18. I want to talk about dream.

    Do you have a dream?
    The dream seems not to have a only child.
    And the dream always seems to be changing.

    I am wondering if the professor is now a dream.

  19. hello, proffesor. I'm late to write in this blog.
    My favorite teacher is elementary school teacher. Because she was very kind us(our classmate). So I had confidence in school life.
    I have limited relationship. My friends is better(close) then my younger brother.
    Do you just think this is irony?
    But, that is natural for me.

    I have living with great grand mother(true!), grand mother, younger brother.
    Because My mother and father work in pasture separated from home.
    I was lived separately to parents from childhood.

    Now It feel rather awkward in atmosphere to When I sleep with mother.

    I don't know this happen. Maybe it is very short to exchange self's thinking.

    It may sound strange, but it is true for this.

    So finish for today.

    thank you for write this.

    See you next class~! ^^

  20. When I was a high school student, I learned much.
    Before second grade, I was very shy person. But at second grade, when school started at March, we select class president. I was not attracted about that. But my friends asked me to do class president.After a lot of thinking, I ran for class president. Luckily, I could be a class president for one term. Through that term(semester), I got more confidence and my personality has changed to more outgoing. Although, not that much outgoing style as well.

  21. when I was high school student, I'm not good at study.
    but 나사렛대학교 특수교육과에 들어온 후, 특수교육이 너무 좋아서 공부를 열심히 하게 되었다.

  22. I want to become teacher, and I met many good teacher.
    So I want good teacher either.
    I study hard during high school student.
    as a result, I 입학하다 나사렛대학교 special education.
    I am so glad because 내가 하고싶은 일을 하기 위해 study.

  23. when i was a child, I was swimming in the valley.
    but I can't swim, so, Iwas falling in to the valley. that time, a man was approaching me, and
    he was saving me from the dangerous situation.
    but I didn't remember his face.

  24. When I go to middle school, I was very rude and bad. I didn't study, too. I just lived for fun.
    But, After I entered(?) high school, I have changed. First day(went to high school), I met a girl. The girl became my best friend. She is so kind, smart, positive. While study together, I have changed by her.
    So, I think I was became better than before.
    I am grateful to her.

    And you, too. because of your teaching, I can speak english well(than before).
    Before I meet you, I was very scared english. really. I'm not scared any more. thank you.^.^

  25. Hello professor.
    I'm kim soo min, secondary special education student.

    Event changed my life is Chruch.

    When I was elementary school in 3rd grade,
    I went Church first time.

    I going to Church and I meet GOD.

    My GOD is my savior, So I think GOD protected me .
    So I am always positive and I am happy always.

    Frome now on, I will trust my GOD and I will live hard.

    Thank you, professor.
    See you.

  26. Brent, I planed to go to your office with chan young last wednesday but I forgot...
    I'm so very sorry, forgive me ㅜㅜ

    What I like the most about my life was
    visiting the philippines as a missionary.
    I met many nice people and I cannot forget them.
    it's been a year but I still miss those days
    so badly. I just super love the philippines.
    the people, food, smell, even the weather!
    I want to live there for a long time.

  27. My hometown is the Go-chang.
    Go-chang is a very beautiful peace.
    but Go-chang is very much snowing.
    so I if snowing is warried.
    Though snowing peace very beautiful.
    I want to talk hometown.

  28. I'm so tired.
    Because me and with my class mates are have many homework.
    Professor Ryu, give to us some homework.
    That is we take some test equipment use with disorder children.
    We make PPT and 발표.
    Another thing is camp with disorder children.
    This camp is we make schedule, take the money, all about doing ourself.
    So, We have some difficult by this camp.
    But we ready to camp very hardly.

    Finally, I'm tired. But I have some enthusiasm.
    And little happy.^^

  29. I have three best boy friends.
    This boy friend means very very intimate friend.
    One is a soldier. Another live in Dae jeon. Nowdays, the other do love.
    So, he don't care me. he always spend time with his girlfriend. I understand him. but I feel so 서운함.
    A few days ago, I call him. but, He said "I date with my girlfriedns. bye." and then He hung up.
    First, I envy him. but now I feel 서운함. He and me are very intimate friends. but, I think now he don't think that. I'm so sad. I want everlasting friednship.

  30. When I graduated high school, I was fat.
    So I'm very very shy.
    But I entered KNU university. After I changed.
    I have slimed. I reduced about 10kg.

    I changed my life. I can wear pretty clothes.
    and I can have 자신감. I can present many student. I am becoming special education teacher.
    I frecontly want to 성장하다 myself.

  31. lee jin seok(특수교육과)October 4, 2010 at 2:09 AM

    I spent much of adolescence is not good.

    That experience made me what I would think that they are not.

    Now give me the most changes religion derived from the impression I think.

    Religion gets in the excitement, the lessons they made me what I think.

    My religion is everything, but there are many meanings for me.

  32. Hi, professor!I'm Jeong Eun Jin.
    When I was 18 years old, I met an English teacher. He was very passionate in claas and encourage us.
    Specially, he gave a test without proctor. It was shocking that time. I was impressed by him.
    I knew that trust is important between teacher and student.

  33. Hi,propessor!I'm kim han-seul.
    There is an accident delivered to me to this department.
    When I was 17 years old,I weant to 등대의집 for Service activity.
    I was very tired. but I was proud.
    After that,I interested in taking care of weak or The disabled. so I entered this secondary special education department.

  34. hello~ propessor~ it's me ! kim hyun gyu~secondary special education student
    i am so sorry. l rasd late your wiriting.

    when i was 17 years old.
    l read a book " 오체불만족 "
    aftet read book impressed

    and l konw disabled person Possibility
    that change my draam
    l want to teaches that person

    so. now l am study " special education "

  35. Hi~! professor I'm Choi Jin Su,
    secondary special education student
    When I was 18 years old
    I volunteered at a social welfare organization
    This experience is my dream changed~
    finally, I get into my major "secondary special education "in KNU

  36. Hello Professor! :)
    I'm Hye Soo Shin. Secondary Special Education.

    When I'm 10 years old, I met a teacher.

    She was my homeroom teacher.

    She was called 'very scared teacher' by children.

    Frankly speaking, then I was so scared.

    So my body was too hard.

    But she said to me in the classroom, "Your pose(?) is very good."

    Every classmates looked at me.

    I feel so good.

    I was changed by her saying.

    She liked me from that time.

    I was so quiet girl before.

    But, I gave a self-confidence then.

    Now, I'm very bold person and a self-confidence woman.

    I like this me.

    So I'm very thank the teacher.

    I want to be a that teacher helping children can find their potential character.

    Thank you, See you tomorrow.:)

  37. Miryeong,

    I have corrected what you wrote below, followed by comments.

    "When I was a high school student, I lived in Busan. Because my hometown is Ulsan, I had to live seperately from my familiy. Instead, I lived in a school dormitory with my classmates. We missed our families so much but, we could also have a new family (my friends!). It was a turning-point of my life. Also, my character was changed. From that time, I started becoming a more independent, determinated, confident person. After I graduated from high school, I could never forget my second family because they were always with me so I could overcome the hard times. So, I think that is the biggest event of my life!

  38. Siron,

    Here is a translation of what I understood you were trying to say.

    교수 , I'am 특수 교육 학과 학생 .
    Dear Professor,

    I am a student majoring in Elementary Special Education.

    난 당신의 블로그에 의견을 남기려면 의 다름이 아니라 , 제가 대신 자유 소리 에 참석 하지 않았다.

    When I leave my opinion on your blog this is no different than if I return in freedom to sound attendance.

    난 여행에 관한 얘기를하고 싶소 .
    I want to have a conversation about taking a trip.

    당신이 교수 에 여행 에 대해서 어떻게 생각 합니까?
    What do you think about taking a trip?

    난 여행 을 많이 좋아.
    I like taking many trips.

    그래서 내가 자주 여행을 다닙니다.
    So I often go on trips.

    여행은 내게 에너지를 주고, 새로운 모임을 도와줍니다.
    A trip gives me energy and helps a new meeting.

    아주 새로운 사람을 만나 행복 합니다.
    Still, I am happy to meet a new person.

    어디 여행 에 가보셨어요?
    Where have you taken a trip to?

    당신은 제주도 에 가본 적이 있다면 , 당신이 여행할 수 있으면 좋겠다.
    If you ever take a trip to Jeju island then you will like it.
    제주 의 작지만 아름다운 섬 .
    Jeju is work but it is a beautiful island.

    난 자유 말하는 , 그렇게 블루스 에 참여하지 않기 때문이다.
    I am freely speaking that when I actively participate in that activity I am not sad.

    그래서 나는 다음 주에 보자.
    So, I will see next week.

    좋은 주말 되세요.
    Have a nice weekend.

    What is this comment in reference to? Are you just writing for the sake of writing?

    I like to go many places, too. I haven't been to a lot of places in Korea other than Busan and Seoul along with a few fork villages. But I'm hoping to go to the DMZ soon.

    Outside of Korea, I've been to Vietnam, Ukraine and America. Vietnam probably made the strongest impression on me.

  39. Jiseon,

    That sounds like a difficult time, especially having to get up at 5:40am.

    그래서 지금 키가 작은가 봅니다 means that you can see short or that you look short now?

  40. Hyemi,

    Why did you hate your English teacher then but now have good memories of her?

  41. Jinhee,

    I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say. Would you mind writing this in Korean and I will try translating it into English for you?

  42. Namkyoung,

    Thanks for this comment about a positive change in your life.

    When you talk about what year of school you were in, especially in high school, you'd be better off to say freshman, sophomore, junior, senior etc. Remember that in American culture grades continue from first through twelfth grade.

  43. Taewon,

    I think it would be better to refer to your major as "Business Management".

    What did you do on the computer? Play video games?

    What do you think of the results of you not studying? Did things work out pretty well, anyway?

  44. Hi, professer~
    I want to talk about life. Sometime, I was think my life is boring. But after I hurt my leg, i feel 평범한 것 is 축복. Now thing i really want is 똑바로 walking. I think people realize 소중한 것 after that is missing. Before I hurt, i live without hot passion. Now I think and feel everything(walk, eat,talk,play,work..)is very important.Time is not return. So I try to enjoy every moment.

  45. Professor~ long time no see~! XD :)
    Um....I'm so sorry ... I didn't answer your long comment..
    I didn't understand some sentences~
    And my comment too late , maybe you will not see this.TnT
    I'm very happy last week (Thursday)!!!!!!!!
    Because I saw Korean idol group ! The name is "BEAST"
    I love them ssssssssssssooooooooo much hehe
    그대신에 I didn't saw anything about our univercity festival in Thursday
    Well,, that's OK~

    Now , 밤이 깊었네요
    Good night professor! see you tomorrow~bye!
    We(10 Special educator) will going to 천안 흥타령축제
    But we can atend Screen English class ~
    Don't worry kiki XD

  46. Hi professor~^^
    Do you enjoy festival? I was very enjoy festival.
    The changed my life is 기숙사생활
    Because, Going away to NKU기숙사 has made me much more independent.
    I be have everything my self (빨래,식사,청소 등)
    I feel my family is very important 존재.
    Now I will love my family for the fall of life.

  47. i met a teacher in academy, when i was highschool student.
    i think that she was changed my life.
    i have gotten a lot of advise from him, while i was talking about my course .
    so i could have been thought more deeply.

  48. I am 고현희.
    event is tv program.
    I interested disabilty people.
    And I go 나사렛 대학교.

  49. Dongyi,

    I'm not sure if my translation below is what you had in mind or not. Please tell me whether or not I am right and then I will tell you my thoughts.

    Why couldn't you understand this assignment. Was it because of my poor Korean?

    저는 교수님이 쓰신글을 다 해석하지 못했습니다.
    I could not translate everything that you wrote.
    이 과제를 할때 사전이나 기타 다른 도구를 쓰지 말라고 하셨기에 제 능력을 다해 합니다.
    This homework is to write our best without using a dictionary or another tool.
    특별한 행사로 나 자신의 생각에 대한 변화에 대해서 talk하고 있다고 생각합니다.
    I think that talking about a special event changes my confidence [?].

    저는 행사에 의해 생각이 변화되어 지진 않는다고 생각합니다. 행사에 의해서는 기분의 좋아지는 것 뿐이지 행사로 인해서 변화되어 진다는 생각은 하지 않습니다.
    I do not think of an event like an earthquake changing my thoughts. Such an event depends on a person's mood and not on the event itself for changing the way a person thinks about something [?].

  50. Nigae,

    You can say, "Korea Nazarene University" or "KNU" in English. Why was your friend(s) not stressed out about the University entrance exam?

    hi professor .I'm yu ni ge.
    when i was 20 years old , I didn't apply to a university. because i don't know my dream, and what i want to be . so i was studied 수능 .
    at that time, i was very difficalt.
    because my friend was fun and please but i'm not. so i was envious of my friend.
    but i was studied hard, so i entered this university. i think that this time was changed me that find what i want to be.
    so i'm satisfying now. because i attend nazaret university , and i find my dream.
    thank you.

    수능 is the callege scholatic ability test.
    i find dictionary.

  51. Sojeong,

    I don't remember which weekend you were enquiring about but I presume it was a good weekend.

    Did the teacher you spoke of have anything to do with you majoring in Secondary Special Education? How did all of that come about?

  52. Eunju,

    자신이없었다 means "no confidence" and you can say, "I didn't have confidence". How did that event affect your ability and desire to communicate in English?

  53. Juwon,

    You said this event WAS a matter of life and death but I presume this to be a mistake. Is that right? What is the difference between a "NP" and an "F"? Were you a freshman in high school or college?

  54. Seongjeong,

    Did the same person teach you both P.E. (Physical Education) and Chinese? You said you "turned" ten laps. Did you mean that you "ran" ten laps? What was it like when you lived next to your teacher eight years later?

  55. Jihyeon,

    What are your regrets? I had similar struggles with my paternal grandmother. Do you think your perceptions were correct or incorrect?

    You seemed to be confused on when to say her and when to say she. You say she when "she" is the subject of the sentence (그녀는) and "her" when you would say "그녀의" or "그녀를" in Korean. Does this make sense? Are there exceptions to these rules?

  56. Seonyeong,

    Who are 유명한 and 먹거리. Are these proper names or do they also have other meanings? What is different about these singers than other festivals?

  57. Seulbi,

    I notice that students usually introduce themselves in Korean and/or English by their major. Why is that?

    How did your teacher consult with students about studying and careers? Does that mean you talked with your teacher about your study habits and what kind of a career you wanted to have?

  58. Jihyeon,

    Did your friend want to be a special education teacher in the beginning? Why did she (?) end up going into education as opposed to special education?

    Don't forget to put an "-ed" at the end of a word when you want to use the past tense.

  59. Siron,

    I don't understand what you are trying to say. Did you try using a translator when you wrote this?

    My dream is to help people in difficult situations. These days, it looks like that might be in community development somehow. I like living in big cities. I'm interested in urban ministry but I also want to work outside of the church. That's about my job. I'd also like to have a family and own my own house and learn how to live a balanced life.

    Now how about you?

  60. Hyeji,

    I don't think it is ironic at all that you are closer to your friends than you are to your younger brother. In some ways, I also feel closer to my friends than my family. But after living so far away from my family, I have learned that family is still important. There is still a sense in which my friends are my family, which you also seem to experience.

    It would be helpful in understanding you if you would use past tense verbs, including the past perfect (have been, have done etc.).

  61. Jiyoung,

    I was surprised when I first read this about you becoming a class president. Do you think it helped you to become a better leader? How did you become class president? When I was in school it was usually a popularity contest to see who got elected as president, though people had to make a speech about why they wanted to be class president. Is it the same in Korea? Does that mean you were popular?

  62. Hyoeun,

    How did KNU help you to become a better student as far as studying is concerned? When I was a high school student, I didn't like school at all. The subjects were rarely interesting and I felt socially awkward. But when I eventually made my way to college (after four difficult years in Bible School) I loved the conversations I had with my professors. Sometimes these were difficult conversations about faith and my own thinking.

    I am translating what you wrote below. Let me know if this is correct or not.

    when I was high school student, I'm not good at study.=>When I was a high school student, I was not good at studying.
    but 나사렛대학교 특수교육과에 들어온 후, 특수교육이 너무 좋아서 공부를 열심히 하게 되었다.
    After I joined the Special Education department at KNU, I really liked special educationand so I studied enthusiastically.

  63. Taeyoung,

    I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying so I've decided to correct what you wrote. You can tell me whether this makes sense or not.

    I want to become teacher, and I [have] met many good teacher[s].
    So I want [to be a ] good teacher, [to].
    I stud[ied] hard [while I was a] high school student.
    [A]s a result, I 입학하다 나사렛대학교 [was admitted into the] special education [department].
    I am so glad because 내가 하고싶은 일을 하기 위해 [I wanted to] study [for the job I want to have].

  64. Chanyoung,

    It looks like you are having difficulty with using the various tenses in describing your experience with nearly drowning. Here is how you could write it to make it sound more natural.

    When I was a child, I was swimming in the valley.
    But I couldn't swim, so, I was fell into the valley. At that time, a man approached me, and
    he saved me from that dangerous situation.
    But I don't remember his face.

  65. Minhui,

    I'm also suggesting a better way for you to write to convey your intended meaning. Thanks for the compliment. I remember seeing you become more comfortable about speaking in English. Later on, I might want to include you in a research project about the value of English Conversation.:)

    When I was a middle school student, I was very rude and bad. I didn't study, either [You and Taeyoung seem to be confused on when to use "either" and "too"]. I just lived for fun.
    But after I started going to high school, I changed. On the first day I went to high school, I met a girl. The girl became my best friend [What was her name?]. She was so kind, smart and positive. While studying together, I was changed by her.
    So, I think I became a better person than I was before.
    I am grateful to her.

    And I am grateful to you, too. Because of your teaching, I can speak English well( better than before).
    Before I met you, I was very frightened of English. Really. I'm not scared anymore. Thank you.^.^

  66. Soomin,

    Thanks for your testimony. I'd like to learn more about how going to church was instrumental in initiating your relationship with God.

  67. Dayoung,

    I understand that the festival was a very busy time.

    Note: "planned" has two "n's" in it.

    I haven't heard much about your trip to the Philippines from the standpoint of it being a missions trip. What qualified it as a missions trip that makes it different from a tour?

    I can relate to the way you feel because that is how I feel about Vietnam.

  68. Jinseel,

    What is it that you don't like about the snow? Have you ever DRIVEN in the snow? Now that is fun.:)

  69. Jooyoung,

    Are you still tired? When is the camp that you've been preparing for?

    발표 means "presentation".

  70. Songwon,

    I think I finally have your name in my head. We'll see the next time we free-talk, eh?

    I believe 서운하다 means sad, reluctant, regrettable or unfair, right? Which word do you mean in this context?

    When you are talking about boys you are friends with, it is more common to say "guy friends" because "boy friend" is too close to "boyfriend" and in fact, when we speak it there is no difference. I think I had this problem with a free-talker.

    For some reason, the guy-girl dynamic is complicated once one or both persons start dating. I have seen this to the contrary in America which baffled me when my female friend was able to spend as much time with me before she started dating as she did afterwards. But sometimes it worked out to the contrary.

    When you say you love the guy who is dating someone else, do you mean that in a friendly or romantic way. Again, when you say "intimate" it implies more than a "friendly love". If you are referring only to friendship it is better to say "close friends" or something like that.

  71. Jiyoung,

    I was surprised to read about how much you have changed. How did you lose all that weight? Actually, as I think about it, 22 pounds doesn't seem like that would make you "fat" but that is probably indeed a significant weight loss.

    자신감 means to "feel confident", right?

    And 성장하다 means "to grow"?

    I have the same desires for myself. Do you have a plan for feeling confident and growing? I'm hoping to start working on a Rule of Life to aim at doing this very thing.

  72. Jiyoung,

    I apologize for my mistake. I take it that you FEEL confident but that you want to grow. Sorry for my mistake.

  73. Jinseok,

    What are the many meanings of "religion" for you?

    Would you mind giving more details about how this life began?

  74. Eunjin,

    "Class" has one "a" and two "s's".

    What does it mean to give a test without a proctor?

  75. Hanseul,

    Note that "professor" is spelled with an "f" in the middle and NOT a "p".

    Is 등대의집 a waiting house? I'm not sure I'm right on this one.

    It is also better to say "ironic" rather than "accident" because "ironic" speaks of one event leading to another surprising event whereas "accident" suggests some kind of mistake. You can also utilize such words as "curious, coincidental, mysterious, mystifying".

    I'm glad this experience led you to study special education.

  76. Hyungyu,

    Note that "professor" has an "f" in the middle and not a "p".

    What does 오체볼만족 mean in English?

    You are NOT "study". You are Hyungu. So you can say that you study special education rather than say that you are study. Just out of curiosity, how do you say this in Korean.

  77. Jinsu,

    This is an interesting combination between social welfare and special education. I'm especially interested in social welfare. Why did you choose to go into special education rather than social welfare?

  78. Hyesu,

    I'm correcting what you wrote with comments in parentheses () and corrections in brackets [].

    When I [was] 10 years old, I met a teacher.

    She was my homeroom teacher.

    She was called 'very scar[y] teacher' by children.

    Frankly speaking, I was so scared [then].

    So my body was too hard (What does this mean?).

    But she said to me in the classroom, "Your pos[ture] is very good."

    Every classmate looked at me.

    I fe[lt] so good.

    I was changed by her [words].

    She liked me from that time [on].

    I was s[uch] [a] quiet girl before [then].

    But, I [acquired] self-confidence then.

    Now, I'm [a] very bold and self-confiden[t] woman.

    I like this [side of] me.

    So I'm very thank[ful to] the teacher (Does the teacher have a name?).

    I want to be that [kind of] teacher helping children find their potential character.

  79. Hi, professor. I'm Ju eun lee.
    When I was this summer vacation
    I went to Indonesia about one months. I met many people in Indonesia.
    At the first time I was afraid. Because various racial people talked to me.
    I can't speak English well. So I didn't tell English.
    But at time goes on I gained confidence. I speak English gradually.
    I think confidence is important.

  80. Now that DOES sound like an interesting experience.
    Did you eventually speak to people in Indonesia in English or another language?

    Note: You only say "month" when you are talking about one month.

  81. hi Professor. i'm 중등특수교육과 1036022 lee jung bum
    I have my close friends died of cancer at age 20.
    Then I thought. Human beings that are empty.
    I'm hard to live. From a friend's life.
    Now sometimes I do not remember your friend's face.
    But the thing to remember May 22.
    When the day is always hard to live again would be determined.

  82. 영어회화 월 1,2 수업
    Bae yeonbong
    저에게 영어는 매우 어렵습니다.
    하지만 교수님께서 코맨트를 달라고 하시니 이렇게 남깁니다
    다해석하지 못했습니다.
    좋은 방학 보내세요./

  83. 왜 영어로 쓰보지 않았습니까?

    저는 해석을 줄 것입니다.

    Monday first and second hour English Conversation
    English is very difficult to me.
    However, Professor comment beg do in this way bring.
    However, Professor Dirks begged me to do it in this way.
    I couldn't translate everything.

    Have a nice vacation.
