Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's in your home?

It seemed rather difficult for my Screen English students to talk about the arrangement of their dorm rooms or the home where off-campus students live. I suppose this was for two reasons. The first is that they had to think about how their homes or dorm rooms are arranged. The second reason is that they had to think about how to say this in English. The difficulty of this exercise is in using prepositions. But in many cases students didn’t know how to translate prepositions from Korean to English. For example, 옆에 (next to), 아래에 (under), 미테 (down). I would like my students to try this again on this blog while they are home with their families. They can pick any room and write about this as a comment. I want to see if this will be easier if they are in the room than it is trying to think of how the room looks. Don’t forget to describe aspects like “The couch is in front of the window” as well as arranging issues like, “There is a stack of laundry on the floor in my room.”


  1. Example: 제 home에서는 there is a desk, cabinet, office chair and a bed. The 침대 is upstairs, with a mirror on the wall and a small dresser/make-up cabinet. 위에 책상이 (책상 위에) there is a 커피 pot and a light.

  2. 이승호 and 이주영September 16, 2010 at 1:47 PM

    제 means my.
    에서는 means in or at.
    침대 means bed.
    위에 means on.
    책상이 means a desk.
    커피 means coffee.

  3. My home is similar to Brent's home. But I have more money than Brent does. So there is a tv at my house. It is in the living room where there is also a couch sitting in front of the opposite wall.

  4. my room is the front of the porch. If I want in to my room, I have to open the porch door, and go straight. in my room, my sister's desk is in front of the window. my desk is next to sister's desk. Me and my sister's bad is in front my desk. My room looks very simple

  5. My house is 3room.
    I have my room. My room 구성되어있다 computer, desk, 침대. My computer on the desk and 침대 is front of desk. My room is small but I like my room becaus I enjoy myself.

  6. "bad"=>bed
    구성되어있다=>is composed of...

  7. my computer (is) on the desk.?

  8. Seo Nyeong,

    Congratulations for being the first student to get the idea of what I am asking.

    I'd add that Eung Joon's second to last sentence, "My computer on the desk and bed is front of desk" is a little confusing. Do you mean, "My computer is on the desk which is next to my bed?"

  9. Yes. I think that sentence is not enough. "My computer (is) on the desk which is next to my bed?" is more proper.

  10. Seonyeong,

    You mean you think that sentence is missing a few words?

  11. Lee joon young/screen EnglishSeptember 26, 2010 at 12:16 AM

    My house is 아늑한 house
    First, if you open the 현관문, you look the 거실.
    거실에는 sofa and aircon, tv, 선반, accesseries.
    But you must put off shoes before in to the my house.
    Turn left you can look kichin, 2room, W.C.
    그중에 1room is my room.
    Open the joon young's room door, you can look
    정면은 책장, compter desk, this is on the computer
    and this is front of comfuter chair, tihs is 위에
    우측은 my sweet bed, hang on a doll. this is next to 옷장.
    Thank you for 제가 쓴글.

  12. Joonyoung,

    아늑한 means cozy.
    현관문 is the front door.
    거실 is the living room.
    거실에는 means in the living room (You probably knew this one, right?).
    선반 is a shelf?

    Put off your shoes means you should take off your shoes?

    What is "W.C."?

    Does 그중에 mean next?
    정면 means front (as in front desk).

    What is on the window?

    우측 means right?
    옷장 means closet.

    제가 쓴글 means "my automatic writing"?

  13. My house is apartment.
    My house is composed of 3 rooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, 2 bathroom.
    My room is composed of 1 desk, 1 bed, 1 closet, 1 shelf.
    My accessories are on the shelf.
    My desk is in front of wimdow.
    I can see 북한 mountain 통해서 window.

  14. I have my room.
    My room is composed bed, desk, computer, bookshelf, closet.
    My bed is in front of window.
    My bookshelf is next to bed.
    I like my room:)

  15. Ahn il su said...
    My house is army aprat beacause my father Occupation is army.
    Also, there is composed of 3 room which the living room and the bathroom.
    The first romm, My room is before the living room. To the room there is a desk and a computer and from it is happy.
    The second room is the bedroom room, but i hate the room, because The bedroom room small size and is stuffy.
    finally, third room is big size in addition is composed of 화장대 and 장농.
    Professor, have a nice day. Thank you.

  16. My room looks like girl's room.
    My favorite color is pink, so general color is pink.
    My bed size is king. Because I like sprawl sleep.
    Pictures were attached on the wall. The pictures are very precious memory.
    Many books are pile on the desk. I hate clean room. (actually woman is dirty than man.ㅋㅋㅋ)
    Also, I have piano. I sometimes play the piano. but, usually pile 먼지 on the piano.
    And very very importnant thing!!!! Dressing table!!! Every day I sit in front dressing table. Perhaps if I had not dressing table, I have big problem everyday morning.
    Professor! My description is so lack. but, I try to descripte my room. I hope to you are funny, when you read my comment. bye~♡

  17. Park young jun said...
    My house is country. Beacause my father is Husbandman.
    My home is composed of 2 room, living room and toliet.
    One room is big size of room, it is a room where the parents sleeps.
    Mnother one room is my room. My room is composed of computer, desk and 장농.
    My house is yard and a livestock which it picks up.
    Professor, have a good time. lover.^^

  18. Jiyoung,

    통해서 means through, right?

    Make sure to put an "s" on the end of words that have more than one (i.e. 2 bedrooms). Where is the furniture (i.e. The bed is next to my desk etc.)?

  19. Ilsu,

    화장대 is a vanity mirror?
    Is 장농 a cedar chest?

    What makes the room happy? Is it an object or a person (i.e. you) that is happy?

  20. Dasol,

    I'm editing your sentences for an example of how to use articles (a/the) correctly. I corrections are in CAPS.

    My room is composed OF A bed, A desk, A computer, A bookshelf, AND A closet.
    My bed is in front of A/THE (depending on the context) window.
    My bookshelf is next to MY/THE bed.

    Could we say that the key to happiness is a happy room?

  21. Songwon,

    Thanks for your description. I believe the word you were looking for was "describe" rather than "descripte". I understood almost everything you said.

    먼지 means "dust". Does that mean your piano is a dust collector?

    What kinds of memories are hanging on the wall?

  22. Youngjun,

    In American English, you can say your dad is a farmer. I'm not sure "husbandman" is in use today. It means that someone is the master of his house.

    Did you also learn how to farm?

    When you say, "My house is yard and a livestock which it picks up," what does "picks up" mean?

  23. Hi professor. I'm Lee Ju Eun.
    My home is composed of 3 room, living room and toliet and kitchen.
    One room is big size of room, it is a room where the parents sleeps.
    My room is middle size. My room is composed of computer, desk, 화장대, 옷장.
    My room is the warmest.
    And my room is my pet favorite.

  24. 황장대: Vanity
    옷장: Closet

    I have to admit that the second is much easier to remember in Korean than English...or is it? If you can connect "close" with "clothes" it's similar. I still think it's easier in Korean. How about you?
