Monday, September 20, 2010

How Are We Doing?

I'm pleased with how everyone is doing so far on this blog.

However, I'd like to see you comment on what other people have written as well as on what I have written.

If you don't understand something or a lot of what I have written, please ask and I will try to explain it in easier words or in Korean if that helps.

If you don't want to waste your time having to go to this blog to see when someone makes a comment, I recommend the following.
1. Start your own profile on Blogger.
2. Subscribe by e-mail.

If you want help with either of these things, let me know.

I'm enjoying corresponding with you all in this manner.

For those of you who have started, keep up the good work.
For those of you who haven't started yet, get going.:)

Once again, I hope you all have a blessed Chuseok.

P.S. You should've received e-mail from me about the free-talking schedule. This is a direct response to two students who expressed frustration regarding free-talking. Lesson: If you want to change something about class or free-talking this semester, THIS IS THE PLACE TO TELL ME.


  1. Happy Chuseok, Professor. I'm Kim Si Ron.

    Today is the first day of the holidays.
    What do you think professor spend Korean big holiday?

    I'm going to visit relatives.
    I have conversations with relatives and see my baby cousin.
    I also help my mother to make the Chuseok meal.

    참, Free-talking time is very funny, but time is very short.
    Thus, I'm so sad ㅠ.ㅠ

    Professor,Happy Chuseok I hope you can send the professor.

    Right to do this task?
    I think, English's comment is funny little.ㅋㅋ
    I'll see you in class.
    Good night ♥

  2. Si Ron,

    I don't quite understand your question. Are you asking how I will be spending Chuseok? Or are you asking what I think of Chuseok?

    If it is the former, I am spending the week in another city. If you are asking the latter, I think that Chuseok is a significant holiday for Korean families and I wonder how a foreigner can also participate in this activity without making the family uncomfortable? It seems to me that many foreigners are alone on this day. I wonder if this is because it is important for Korean families to be together without any outsiders. Or, is it because of the stereotype (or reality) that foreigners can't speak English well or are not interested in Korean culture?

    참 means "true" or "actually", right?

    You seem to be one of many who are sad about the short free-talking time. Do you have any ideas on how to extend the free-talking time?

    What does "Professor, Happy Chuseok I hope you can send the professor" mean?

    What you wrote is okay. But I would like people to respond to what I wrote and what others have written. So far nobody has done this.

    If you don't understand, please ask me and I will say this again using simpler sentences.

    Have a nice Chuseok with your family.

  3. Hi my name is younghoo-kim
    I hate English beacase I forgot english word. I hard to remember English word but I momorize english word not well.
    So I afraid English and I hate English
    From now on I study hard English word. I want englis very well.

  4. Younghoo,

    I'm sorry for making you write in a language you hate.

    You did pretty good at writing this. I'm not sure I could write this well in Korean.

    Try to relax and write as much as you can in English.

    When you don't know a word, use Korean.

    We will help you improve your vocabulary naturally.

    Please try to stop shaming yourself. You are a Korean. Korean is your mother language. That certainly makes you no less of a person. To the contrary, that makes YOU special.

  5. Happy Chuseok!^_^

    Hi! This is Shin Hye Soo.

    This is my first comment;;SORRY

    I like 'English Free Talking Time' though, I can't speak english very well.

    Personally I'm enjoying Free Talking because when we talk each other, I seemed to speak well done.(?)^^;

    I want to speak english very very well!!
    Help me, Please!ㅜ_ㅜ

  6. Hye Soo,

    When it comes to students saying, "I can't speak English very well" I seem to lose my hearing. What did you say?:)

    Can you be more specific about what you are enjoying about free-talking?

    I will do my best to help you improve your ability to speak English. May I ask you how you'd use English if you could speak English well?

  7. I like free-talking time.
    Last semester, we studied with movie 대본.
    I don't know what are we studying.
    We are studied English? or We are studied movie?
    Um..I said some directly.
    But I think we have more better class time in Screen English.

    little late, but Happy Chuseok!

  8. Hello professor~!:)

    I'm enjoying just speaking English in freetalking time.

    Because I didn't have the chance speaking in English.

    So I was very interested, when you talk to us "We have freetalking time. So we need to meet"

    That program is the thing that I wanted.

    May I ask you how you'd use English if you could speak English well?(Your question)

    Frankly speaking, I don't understand your question correctly.

    If I could speak English well, I'll just think my word(very easy word) wirhout dictionary.
    Then, I'll make the sentences in my way.

    Is this answer right? ;_;

    I want to tell you more qurently my thinking..
    But I can't yet.

    I don't know you understanded my comments;;
    I'll more practice the speaking!

    You gave me the chance to speak in English.
    Thank you, Professor.

  9. Sorry, I want to tell you more qurently my thinking..

    qurently has to change fluently ;)

    My mistake!!*^^*

    The Failure is Success' mother. Right?^^

    Have a nice weekend!>.<

  10. Wow!I find one more the wrong word:)
    I don't know you understanded my comments;;
    understanded -> understood^^

    And I wanted to use currently as the same word, fluently.
    But I wrote qurently;;;;;;
    AH..I'll hvae to practice English more.^^

    Thank you.

  11. Jooyoung,

    Thanks for your candor. I don't quite understand what you mean about better class time. This semester, I'm trying to focus more on conversation because I think that is the hardest part for many students. I decided not to write a script because it takes more time than I have. I also don't think it was helpful. I think that during class I'm going to try more content (longer scenes) so that we can have lively discussion about the movie as a whole.

    Happy Belated Chuseok to you, too.

  12. Hyesoo,

    No hard feelings. I understood most of what you said. It seems to me that the big dream in Korean is to learn English well. But without a vision it's hard to be motivated. Some examples of answers to my question (There is no one write answer here) might include going to Crotched Mountain in America, Camp Hill in England or teaching English to people with special needs in Korea or wherever.

  13. Sorry to late!
    My free-talking time was on thursday
    But, because of my practice(related to Secondary Special Education), I want to chance the time.
    I've been talking about this problem before.(Also, I send you a mail about this.) But, for the correct information I post a comment again.
    I had a good time during this holidays and I really want to ask you about the city tour!
    See you tomorrow !

  14. Hi, Brent!
    I'm so late. sorry~
    I miss you. T.T

  15. 추석 is Korea's big festive day.

    2009, 추석 was October 2nd to 4th.

    But real 추석 is 3rd.

    In 추석 relation come and do 차례.(외국엔 없음.)

    We go to grave and cut some weeds.

    That's very yummy.(무엇이?)

    We made 송편 and eat.

    송편 is one of the Korea's rice cake.

    On night, we saw big moon and say wish to moon

    This things are Korea's traditional 추석.

    Another country has same as 추석 things.

    Thanks !

  16. Jaesung,

    Did you bow like some Koreans do? What do you think of Koreans who don't bow to their ancestors?

    In one place you said, "The Korea" but you only need to say "Korea". Do you have any idea why?
