Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This is the second week that I have free-talked with all of my students in English Conversation and Screen English classes. I decided to do this instead of assigning homework that they have to write and I have to read and correct. I am mostly satisfied with this process. I am finding that I have far too often misjudged my students.

The challenge of this is that it is difficult to have natural conversation but playing "games" works much better. This seems to help students focus more on speaking without being overwhelmed by difficult conversation. As this blog demonstrates, it is very difficult for me to speak in simple English.

I would like to know what my students think of free-talking. How does it compare to class-time? Do you feel like this is helping you improve your English skills? How do you perceive me during this time as opposed to class time? What do you think of the methods I have used so far to free-talk with you?


  1. Example: Free-talking is 달라 from class. 그러나 sometimes 이것은 is 좋아요. And 때때로 this is a little 답답하다. However, I 라고 생각하다 this 방법 is fun and interesting. 그리고 I can know 그를 well.

  2. 달라 means different.

  3. Even if, we English are still far from perfect.
    But, we loved english. Only we afraid that we make a mistake at we use english. Free-talking is that It´ll come in pretty handy.

  4. yu ni ge

    i think free talking is good ieda,
    but our group is occupy(?) many people.
    so i think one person said one time in free talking time. this mean is that speak chance is 거의없다.
    but i know that we can't other choice.
    so that's okay. 단지 i speak my opnion.
    thank you for read it(?).^^

  5. Jihye,

    Why is it so important to speak English perfectly? Isn't communicating the main point?


    You make a valid point. This is a problem with a few classes. We'll have to think up a solution to this problem. Anybody else have any suggestions, particularly if you are from another large group?

    I wonder what "단지" and "거의없다" mean. Is "occupy" a good choice word to use?

  6. thank you for your comment^^
    i use word(occupy)that time.
    because i don't have good word;
    so i choose occupy. but i have a good choice word now ,this is participate .
    i didn't want to leave my group. so i'll free talking with our group.
    thank you , you consider me(?).
    amd 단지, 거의없다. i don't have good word.

  7. We'll continue to think of another solution to your free-talking dilemma.:)

    You don't have to answer my questions yourself. I'm just waiting to see if someone can give you some suggestions for how to write these words in English. But it seems some people are not getting the hang of this so I'll help you.

    1. "Thank you, you consider me" makes more sense if you say, "Thanks for being so considerate of me and my situation." "For" is an important word for connecting words in English.

    2. 단지 means "just" (Though I personally get confused between 단지, 그냥 and 만).

    3. 거의없다 means "almost nothing" as in you practically have no opportunity to speak, right?

    4. You don't have to be sorry. Just learn as you go.:)

  8. My name is Lim min jung. Hi,Professor^^*
    Everyday,I need to free talking with you.
    Because,I hope English conversation well.
    But,your time and my time can't meet.
    So,only we met in this calss.
    However,we can free talking now.
    I am so happy. Professor's idea is good.
    I'm not speak my think to you.
    In spite of, we think alike hahaha...
    I trust that I improve my English skil when I free talking. And I think about one of free talking method. This is extempore drama or movie.
    Uhmm... Korean word is 상황극?
    Then you once think about that. Good the weekend.

  9. Min Jung,


    What is your "think"?

    You can say, "I haven't told you what I am thinking about regarding free-talking."

    Skil is skill, right?

    By 상황극, you mean "situation comedy"? The short version of this used in American culture (and perhaps English culture, too) is SitCom. I think this makes more sense than calling everything "Drama" as we tend to do in Konglish.

    Good the weekend=Have a good weekend. And you have a good weekend, too.

  10. Ah! Thank you. But, skil is my mistake.(오타)
    haha^^... Anyway thank you :) Good night~!

  11. Minjung,

    What is "오타"? My dictionary doesn't have this word so I suspect your dictionary doesn't, either.

    Aha! According to Naver 오타 is a misprint. I think you mean that this was a type on your part. Thanks for the new word. That is a useful word that is probably as common as "typo". How did 오타 come about?

  12. 오타= typing mistake. This is a 한자 (Chinese charaxter.) 誤打

  13. At first I didn't want to free talking. Because I don't speak English well. And I'm shy girl.**^^**
    But I think free talking is a lot of help to me. It gave me confidence. Yet, It is not help my English skills. If I try hard, my English is very good.

  14. Seo Nyeong,

    "Typing mistake" is the same as "typo", right?

    Charaxter means character? Perhaps this too is a typo?:)

  15. Sae Jeong,

    I suspect there were a lot of people like you in the beginning. That's why I decide to try it.

    How do you know if your English is getting better or not?

  16. Hi, I'm sa-rang
    I do like free talking. 물론, I don't speak English fluently. so I sometimes 답답하다, and headache. but professor help when I don't know word. so I can enjoy free talking with 조원들.
    I want to free talking about new and interesting subject.

  17. Sarang,

    물론 means "certainly".
    답답하다 means "stuffy" but in English, can we say this means to feel a burden?
    조원 means "group member" right?

    Thanks for the feedback on free-talking. If I remember right, you are in the group right before class so I am going to adjust the class schedule to give you quality free-talking. Is that okay?

  18. sometimes I use 답답하다 as I'm frustrated.

  19. Hi, I`m sangbin.
    I didn`t want to free talking too. But when
    experienced first time of free talkg, I feel
    that is fun. Nvertheless I didn`t speak English
    I want to grow my speaking ability.
    Give me your help please.

  20. Hello, I'm namkyung.
    I'm think free-talking does not help to improve the English level.
    However, the lessons can be fun and Will be a chance to talk with professor a lot of.
    In addition, confidence in English occurs.

  21. I think you are comfused me and other member.
    I have never wanted to adjust the class schedule.

  22. Hi.I'm Ji Hea
    How are you?^^
    I like free talking, and professer's class too~
    I want to speak English very well. But I don't do that yet. And however I try to study English, that is diffcult. But free talking time give me emotion. I think that learning must have 재미.
    So thank you^^

  23. Hi~Professor^^
    I'm Oh min jung!
    I like free talking time.
    because free talking time is funny and exciting!
    but my English level is weak..
    so, i will study hard for free talking.
    i will a good speaker!
    finally, have a good holiday^^*

  24. Hello, Professor :D!
    I'm Min-Jeong Kim.
    How was it going during ChuSeok?
    I slept much time during ChuSeok ㅠ.ㅠ
    I like Free-talking time very much.
    Often, I am stuck on conversation because I don't strike words.
    But I can talk with you because you help me.
    I want to say thank you.
    I think Free-talking gives me confidence.
    Your idea is very good~!
    I want to improve my English conversation skills during talking with you
    Please help me a lot.
    Have a good night, professor!♥
    See you next class time.

  25. Hi professor! I'm Ji so ra
    I like freetalking time.
    but, I frustrated at conversation with you.
    because My english skills are still in the shell.
    make steady and persistent effort,
    Finally, I get better conversation with you.
    I always thanks for your effort!

    Anyway, have a good holiday~!

  26. Dayoung,

    Thanks for the clarification on 답답하다. That makes good sense.

  27. Sangbin,

    I think I would be afraid to go to someone's office to speak Korean, too. I'm glad you are feeling more comfortable. My favorite part of free-talking is that I am learning your names and personalities. This is a big deal to me.

    I'm hearing a loud signal that I need to give you all more opportunity to speak in English. I'll be watching you to make sure you are trying to speak in English.:)

  28. Namkyoung,

    Hmm...your point is valid. I suspect in this setting, just thirty minutes a week doesn't do much to increase one's English-speaking ability. And you are definitely right that it improves one's confidence. But I wonder if you all spoke enough English every day if it would in fact increase your speaking ability.

    Have you heard "practice makes perfect"? I've learned a lot about speaking Korean by practicing and hearing Korean all of the time. But for you, you may not have the same opportunity. In which case you may be right that free-talking only reinforces what you already know.

    Hmm...I think I want to do an experiment. Any takers?

  29. Sarang,

    I have not confused you with anyone. I probably said more than you were thinking. In fact I was probably just thinking out loud.

    Sorry for the confusion.

  30. Jihye,

    Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you feel satisfied with free-talking and class. I guess as long as you are exposed to English that is the main thing, right?

    I agree with you that fun is the main thing. To be honest with you, I'm trying to use fun to trick you into speaking English. But don't tell anybody this little secret.:)

  31. Minjung,

    Thanks for your kind words about free-talking. How might you study for free-talking?

    I'm hoping that you won't feel the pressure to study for free-talking. But instead that you will become more and more comfortable with this process.

    It is my opinion that you will here the same phrases more and more and thus, improve your communication skills.

  32. Minjeong Kim,

    Thanks for being satisfied with free-talking. I feel so much better about this semester than last semester. My only regret is that your time is so limited.

    It sounds like you just need to be more comfortable with who you are when you are speaking to someone in English.

    My Chuseok was good but mostly uneventful. It was nice to be in another city for a while.

    How about you?

  33. Sora,

    I bet your ability is better than you think. My problem is that I tend to speak too fast and use difficult words and sentences.

    I believe you'll eventually get to the point where you can get those words in your brain to come out of your mouth.

    Any ideas on how to get there?

    You have a good holiday, yourself.:)

  34. Hi I'm Kim Youngchan
    I like English but My English skill is bad... so I trying study English through screen-english.
    I'm so happy beacause I learn English in university school.
    when I high school student I think that I don't think that learn English in university school.
    but it's not So Thanks to you professor beacause I like English.
    I trust your class.
    Thank you.

  35. Hi professor I'm You mi so
    I don't like free-talking time. becaus free-talking is too difficult to me and my English skill is too badㅠㅠ
    so free-talking time I lose confidenceㅠㅠ
    professor please help me
    I want to speak English very well

  36. Hi professor.
    I'm lim hye jeong.
    How was it going during ChuSeok?
    I met friends and family.
    That time was happy.
    I like free-falking.
    free-falking is difficult for me because I have very week english level. so That time is confusion and stuffy to me.
    however I will try hard.and I need many your help. please..........^.^

  37. What's up professor!
    I'm Choi Rak-Young~
    How have you been? I'm manging in there
    um...I'm difficult free-talking time.
    Because english conversation skill is bad..TT
    I'm as quiet as a mouse. However I anticipate improvement in English.
    That’s why i'm want to manintain the current

    thank you ~

  38. Hello, Brent professor
    I'm Lee seung ho.
    How are you Chuseok?
    My Chuseok is boring and no funny..
    Now, I say my opinion that we play free talking every week.
    I agree free talking.
    Because free talking is very fun and helping my English talking skills.
    Also, most important reason is no test!!
    I hate English test.
    because my English skills is bad.
    I want to my English skills improved by play Free talking with Brent professor.
    Untill now my free talking time.

    See you next free talking time.
    Thank you.

  39. Hi, professor!
    I'm Youn-Sill Choi.
    Do you remember me??*^^*
    How are you?
    Umm... I'm very tired because this time is night.
    How was your Chuseok?
    My Chuseok is thinkful.
    I had many thinking to my grandparents and you!
    I know you were very lonely and missed your family.
    Cheer up!
    Now, I'm going to talk about our free-talking time.
    I think it is good for our English improving.
    And I like this free-talking time very much!
    This time is very fun and interesting.
    I want to more talk than play game.
    I think you think so.
    Than, let's promise that we talk very hard and fun 앞으로도.
    Good bye~ good night!
    And see you next free-talking time.

  40. Chan Young,

    I have a feeling that you have fun at whatever you do. I'm glad I could have something to do with that in relation to English.

    What is University School?

    I have mixed feelings about Screen English. How do you study English using the screen and how effective do you think it is?

  41. Young Chan,

    I am sorry about that. I confused you with another student in my English Conversation class. I hope you'll look at the time stamp of this comment and have mercy on me. I'm notorious for messing up my students' names.

    Now I know how you study English using the screen. Do you care to evaluate my methods?

  42. Yumi,

    Thanks for your honesty regarding free-talking. We'll see if you actually are as poor at English as you think you are.

    Are there any particular areas you are interested in that we could address during free-talking? This might inspire you to try harder during free-talking time.

  43. Hyejeong,

    Free-falking is actually free-talking, right?

    What do you find to be the most frustrating about free-talking? I have tried games with some groups and having basic conversation with other groups.

    Games are more comfortable for me because it is easier to get people to talk. It is difficult for me to have simple English conversation. That is why I use games. That way you don't have to suffer through difficult conversation. But I question whether these games help you all improve your English.

    What do you think?

  44. Rakyoung,

    Aren't you one of the first students who wrote a comment on here who's English was almost perfect?

    You seem to converse very differently in Korean than you do in English. I wonder if you were as confident about your English as you are when you speak in Korean if that would do anything for you.

    What kinds of subjects are you interested in talking about during free-talking?

  45. Seungho,

    My Chuseok week has gone well. How about you? What has made this Chuseok lacking in the category of fun?

    Are you saying you like doing free-talking outside of class or that you also want to do free-talking inside of class?

    I suspect that most students are fans of the "free" part though I'm not sure about the "talking" part.

    What do you think?

  46. Yeonshil,

    Yes, I believe I still remember you. Do you believe me?

    Thanks for your feedback regarding wanting to do more talking during free-talking. I'll add that to the agenda.

    What kinds of things are you interested in talking about during free-talking time?

    Thanks for your concern about my loneliness during Chuseok. I haven't been as lonely this year as in times past. I don't really miss my family during Chuseok since American Thanksgiving is at a different time. What makes me lonely sometimes is the fact that I'm alone during Chuseok, a phenomenon I don't understand.

    But don't worry. I was less alone during this Chuseok than previous ones. All my students sending me comments during Chuseok has cheered me up.

  47. Hello.professor!
    My name is Lee jin Seok.
    My hobby is video game
    um..... best game is Halo series.
    I English diffculty.
    So. Free talking time, I quiet manners.
    I thinking, but don't talking
    I'm sorry.........

    I like America's hero.
    EX) Spider-Man,Iron man, hulk, Thor ,Etc
    All the hero is wonderful.
    I longing(동경해요.) hero.

    professor hobby is What??

    See you, next free talking time.

    Bye~ Bye~

  48. I think Free-talking is better than assignment.
    Free-talking has more chance to communicate than class time.
    Free-talking is useful to me(or us).
    I like both Free-talking and class time(I think both are important).
    Last Free-talking was really fun. Time had runned fast to me.
    I think Free-talking with a game is good idea.

  49. Hello, professor today's sunny weather.
    From the time you're already past six months.
    Honestly, I was disappointed last time.
    I thought is was a little different from scores.
    But think about it, I did not study the score is received.
    So I will try for a good score this time.
    And this time the freetalking very interesting.
    I continue to hope this was an interesting lesson.
    I'm still in love with the professor.

    I love you and thank you

  50. Hello, I'm jinhee.
    Free Talking Time Did not get involved
    So, It's good to laugh and enjoy the freedom to speak.
    My English level is low but i am read to free talking.
    Thursday was soon I hope.
    and I think it is better to play.
    While the game was good use of English naturally.

  51. this semester free talking time is very very good to me
    free talking is most important ting in english conversation
    l like natural conversation but natural conversation is difficult
    becase my english conversation skill is low level...haha
    so, this semester your idea is english conversaton through game
    this idea is great !
    i expect next free talking time every week really !

  52. Professor 도영웅씨 hi! I'm jeong hee hehe:)
    What about your long~long~ 추석?
    My 추석 was so bored.........T.T
    Because I didn't anything.
    Ah! I did 제사 with my father and uncle.
    Anyway,now I am very happy that I saw my family 오랜만
    You missing your family ......cheer up!good luck to U!

    Free talking class is fun !But I don't speak English well. So sometimes my mouth is 무용지물 haha TnT
    But I'm very try to good at English when free talking time .......
    do U see that? kekeke
    sorry ..

    Oh! I have a question!
    Will we study next week?(30,Sep)
    That day is our univercity's Festival last day!

    my chating is over. E N D
    Than,Have a good vacation!Mr. do!

  53. Hello~professor!
    How are you 추석?
    I'm fine.
    I met family.
    Very happy.
    But the time is very short.

  54. Hello professor~!!!
    How was your Thanksgiving Day???
    I was really bored and sad!!
    You know that Thanksgiving Day was my birthday~
    but you know what?? all my friends said,"Happy Birthday Eunju~!!" on my birthday~!!
    But my family didn't say anything.
    I was really disappoint.
    no celebrate, no cake, no 미역국, no present
    this year birthday is like don't want to think in my life. actually not that muchㅋㅋㅋ
    so anyway I really want to know how about you

    um...and do I have to say something about
    Free-talking?? Every student wrote about free-talking how they think. I think free-talking is really good practice for conversation study.
    but I fill 30 minute is little bit short.
    but it's okay!! Don't change the timeㅋㅋ

    Anyway I have to go now, because I'm so tired.
    Have a good weekends professor~!!

  55. Jinseok,

    My hobbies seem to vary. I was exposed yesterday to a hobby of climbing a mountain. With my conquer and gather mentality I found myself struggling to enjoy the moment and wanted to hurry to the top and back down again.

    Otherwise, I find it interesting to study Korean and Korean culture. I don't know if these are hobbies. That is because they are necessary for me to live moderately comfortably in Korea.

    No hard feelings about being reserved during free-talking. I hope you'll be more and more comfortable as we go along.

  56. Jiyeong,

    Thanks for the feedback. I think that games make free-talking more comfortable both for you and for me. I think I'd like to do a research project related to free-talking to see what the best methods are.

    Any ideas?

  57. Mirule,

    I love you, too. What are you talking about with a score? I have a feeling you and a lot of people will be doing a lot better this time around than last time (Is that what you are referring to?).

    What/when was last time?

  58. Jinhee,

    I'm a little confused about why you didn't talk more last time (Based on your comment). Are you saying I should give your more opportunity or that you want to try harder?

  59. Jeonghee,

    You've done enough beating yourself up for not speaking English well (This is probably your standard which may be as high as my standard for speaking Korean well).

    I don't think your mouth is useless if you don't speak. Isn't that also a good way to breathe? I wonder if something is useless if it doesn't always actualize every use it was created for.

    My Chuseok was good. I don't miss my family too much since this is not a holiday in America.

    I wonder where the use of "cheer up" in Korea comes from. It sometimes seems like a pat answer when one doesn't know HOW to cheer someone else up.

    From what I understand, there will be no afternoon classes next week. This means that if we don't have class you'll get to do more commenting. How does that sound?

  60. Hyunhee,

    Your comments were quite short. Would you like to expand more on what you wrote?

    My Chuseok was good though I didn't get to spend it with a family like you did.

    Why was the time short with your family? Was it really short or did it just go so fast that it seemed short? I have really enjoyed this week. It reminds me of Fall or Spring Break in America but I guess this is not Spring anymore.

  61. Eunju,

    I'm sorry about your birthday. Has this happened a lot since your birthday is around the time of Chuseok? At least your birthday isn't always on Chuseok, right?

    You are probably right that 30 minutes isn't enough for free-talking. I hope that next semester we have even more time. If you can find another group to free-talk with in addition that isn't too large that is also okay.

    My Chuseok was good. I spent part of it alone and part of it with someone else in another city.

  62. Hello! professor
    My name is seong ji hyn.
    how did your Chuseok?
    My Chuseok was good.
    Because I ate delicious food.
    So I agree Korean old saying that 'This year is like Chuseok!'

    I went to west sea in my vacation with my family.
    I did't go sea in summer so I happy.
    I ate Sasimi. The sasimi was fresh.
    And We purchase Shrimp and Craps.
    I cook crap soup. It is my first challenge.
    Crap soup taste is not bad. After this I will cooking.
    But I don't have any confidence cooking.
    I spended good vacation. but now I feel bad.
    Because I am allregy. I don't have my allregy in my life.
    still this allregy is shrimp or crap.
    shrimp and crap is my favoriste food. so I'm sorry that my allregy.
    I hope my allregy getting well.

    Yesterday I went to cell-phone shop. Because my sister's purchase a cell-phone.
    She purchased smart phone. I didn't want to smart phone.
    But many people use the smart phone. So I feel thant behind the trend.
    But I don'have any blog or twitter. SO I don't need that.
    However smart phone is very confortable. I will saving money that smart phone purshes.

  63. Hi, professor. I'm Jeong Eun Jin.
    How was your Chusok?
    I was good. Because I could eat delicious food that I couldn't eat usually.

    I like free talking. Because I want to improve my English speaking skill. And free talking help it.
    Actaully, I was afraid of free talking at first time. Because my English speaking skill is low and I don't have many chance that I speak in English with a foreign professor.

    Free talking was exciting so I can be relaxed.
    Although now my English speaking skiil is low, it will improve thanks for free talking, I think.

  64. Hi professor. I'm Lee ju-eun.
    How was your Chu-sok?
    I was very busy.
    I made jeon. It's very delicious.

    I think good way about free talking.
    Because free talking is few persons speak english and talk with professor.
    물론 first time is 어수선.
    Also we can't understan game roll.
    So we can't speak english.
    But as time goes on we speak english well.

    Anyway I'm happy due to free talking.
    In future I will actively participate in free talking.

  65. I think free-talking is so useful time.
    When I talk to foreigner, I am shy.
    But, When free-talking I have not shy. because just Da Sol, Ja Young, Yueon Sil 있다 in free-talking time. I like free-talking time. I hope to speak to free subject. I hope to talk to various subject and many conversation.

  66. Hi~!! Hi! I'm Gil Hwan. HAHAHA

    휴일 is over... I'm VERY sad...

    BUT, tomorrow is EC(English Conversation) day.
    EC is very 즐거운 Class.

    I think about Freetalking... surprise! Because of GAME. I expected 일상의 talk subjects. But method of game is very fun. Game is Good method!
    other method is... Anybody-> Any subject-> Any talking about the subject. So.. wide?... I will thinking about the method In future.. Cheer up!!

  67. Hi, Brent professor ^*^
    I'm Park eun-sol.
    How are you nowadays or Chu-sok?
    I'm fine. 나에게, Chu-sok is very good.
    Go to the movie and eat food with family.
    Now, I talk about free talking.
    I think free talking is good.
    처음에는, I worried. Because of talking english.
    However, 의외로 free talking is funny.
    First time, a little difficult.
    But professor help our, so it is so funny.
    이제는 free talking time is expected.
    I expect it this week too.
    See you soon professor! ^*^

  68. Hi^^ I'm dawm
    how about 추석?
    I staid at home in 천안.
    I was very very bored.
    I think Freetalking is very good idea.
    well.. the other people 어떨지 몰라도 일단 to me.
    Because I'm very very shy when i speak english.
    But i don't have chance to speak english daily.
    So i don't broke my shy.
    But fortunenately i have Freetalking chance.
    So i'm worried but i'm happy.
    And Freetalking is very very fun.
    thank you professor ^^*

  69. Hi professor~! I'm sujin.
    How was Chu-sok?
    오랜만에 I met family and friend so I was very funny.
    At first,Freetalking was very difficult.
    Because I can't speak English very well and I'm very shy.
    But now Freetalking is very Funny.
    I enjoy talkling,Game.
    I'm waitting for Freetalking time every day.
    Bye Bye ^^

  70. Hello professor I'm Hwang Ji Hyun
    Sorry for late about writing in blog.
    Honestly I don't wanna talk in English, because
    I feel that English is hard.
    But when the first free talking time is really great. Our group had fun.
    So our group expect next free talking time!
    Brent, see you next week!!

  71. Jihyun,

    My Chuseok was good but it sounds like yours was more enjoyable except for the allergies part.

    I'd like to see your phone next time. Do a lot of people use Twitter in Korea?

    You said "Crap Soup" but I think you meant "Crab Soup", right? Even though there is only one word difference the meaning is very different.

    What does it mean to say, "This year is very much like Chuseok"?

    What is "Sasimi"?

    Are your allergies better? Are you saying that you have never had allergies before?

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Eunjin,

    I'm glad you enjoy free-talking. I hope you will eventually be able to tell a difference in your English ability.

    Instead of using "because" at the beginning of the sentence, try putting it in the middle. All you have to do is remove the period (점). For example, "My Chuseok was good because I got to eat a lot of really good food."

    You can put "because" at the beginning of a sentence but it has to be a complex sentence like this. "Because I got to eat a lot of really good food, I had a good Chuseok."

  74. Jueun,

    어수선 means confusing or chaotic, right?
    물론 means sure or certainly.
    I'm sorry the first time you free-talked it was confusing and chaotic. I hope it is better now.

    You cooked one of my favorite Korean foods (jeon). I was disappointed when I went to the Secondary Special Education Booth and there was no jeon today.

  75. Songwon,

    I'm glad you are comfortable during free-talking time.

    있다 in this case means "are".

    If you want to talk about a variety of subjects, please bring a subject you are ready for to free-talking.

  76. Gilhwan,

    휴일 means holiday, right?
    즐거운 means joyful, right?
    일상의 means of everyday subjects, right?

    I think you are right about talking about a variety (wide) of subjects. I also want to talk to you about a variety of subjects.

    Just come ready to talk in English.

    And thanks for your kind words.

    I'm sorry you are sad about the holiday week being over.

  77. Eunsol,

    나에게 means "to me".
    처음에는 means "at first".
    의외로 means "surprisingly".
    이제는 means "now".

    I'm glad you are as comfortable as you are during free-talking. I was hoping this would show everybody how much fun and how helpful free-talking is.

    Just so you know, I also enjoy free-talking. That is because I get to know all my students which is the most important part of my job.

  78. Da-um,

    I need help understanding "어떨지 몰라도 일단". Does this mean that others don't know how and for the moment (?) about you?

    I expect you'll overcome being shy about English. I think there are many students in your class that feel the same way as you. Just imagine you are not in a class or a foreign professor's office and you will be okay.

    Meanwhile, I'll try to help you overcome (break) your shyness.

  79. Sujin,

    오랜만에 means "for a long time".

    I'm glad you feel more comfortable about speaking English and free-talking.

    A really easy way to make sentences longer is by putting the word "because" in the sentence without using a period (점). For example, "At first, Freetalking was very difficult because I can't speak English very well and I'm very shy." See how long that sentence was?

  80. Jihyun,

    I'm glad Free-talking gave you a good impression. I hope that impression will last throughout the semester.

  81. I had a bad cold in wednesday, because i'm not participate my free-talking group. in that way because i'm applicate free-talking to your blog.
    Have a nice Nazarene Univ festival?
    I medicine at the hospital ate breakfast, lunch, fine Feeling a little more body. Become a fine body. so, last night, I saw interesting singer's performance. Very exciting! The singer's name is MC Sniper. do you know this singer? I would like to recommend for you.
    and Be careful about cold

  82. Professor, I'm Kim si ron.
    I usually was busy preparing for Disabled camp program.
    I need to plan the program and children must
    Still did not learn many things.
    So there are many difficult challenges.

    Professor, Did you have been do things without any help?

    I believe.
    This is a big step in life.

    life is always a challenge.
    Also, professor always a challenge to live and I'll support you.

  83. Hi, brent.
    This is Jeong sangbin.
    I like style of free talking now.
    However I feel coufused at free talking time.
    솔직히 I hard 집중하기.

  84. Hi~ professor.
    I show our school festiver.
    You too? It's funny. but I'm sick when after festiver.
    beacause whether is too cold.
    I want Hot Drink and pill
    thanks to showing
    도영웅 교수님께

  85. Hi, professor.
    I'm Lee seung ho
    Last week is festival in 나사렛 university
    I very 아쉽다 because lack of free-talking time last week.
    But I saw many perfomance of singer. It's fun
    Also, I'm busy last week because many report.
    very very tired.....
    I want to this week is 편안했으면
    And I want to Professor's week is good

    Bye Bye~

  86. 아쉽다 = 유감이다 means sorry
    편안한 means comfortable

  87. professor.

    To comment on blogs is very funny.
    I wish new messages every day.
    Sometimes I wish koren writings.

  88. Professor~~
    Help me....
    Thisday, too many homework.
    Therefore I sleeped 5hours thisdays.ㅠㅠ
    I`m very tired.ㅠㅠ

  89. Thank you, sangbin

    Now.. very tired.
    My report is difficulty and many
    I 벅차다 report
    until now my 푸념

  90. Hi~professor!!
    The temperature is fluctuating a lot recently, so be careful not to catch a cold.
    But I'm catch a cold T.T
    Now...tumultuous have a runny nose

  91. Professor~ I stopped by again.

    Today, we can not sleep because of refort & homework.
    By this time I also do a homework.

    Get up early tomorrow to go to class.
    But I guess I can not wake up.
    I want to sleep soon.

    Professor Do you sleep now? ㅠㅠ
    See you soon in a dream♥

  92. Yunjong,

    Your English sounds a little bit awkward. I'll try to fix it for you and trust that you didn't use a translator. If you did, I recommend that you not use one anymore because it hurts you more than it helps you.

    [Because] I had a bad cold [o]n [W]ednesday, I couldn't participate [with] my free-talking group. [Because of] that, I [hope I can get credit for] free-talking [by posting a comment on] your blog.
    [Did you h]ave a nice [Korea] Nazarene Univ[ersity] festival?
    [After] I [received] medicine at the hospital [I] ate breakfast [and] lunch [and am f]eeling a little more [like myself]. [S]o, last night I saw [an] interesting singer's performance. [It was v]ery exciting! The singer's name [wa]s MC Sniper. [D]o you know this singer? I would like to recommend [him/her/them to] you.
    [Take care of yourself so that you don't catch a cold.]

  93. Siron,

    Are you saying you had a camp for students with disabilities?

    In response to your question, the thing that comes to mind the most as far as doing things without another person's help is when I went to college against my father's wishes. I had to pay for the whole thing myself and ended up spending the money I received as an inheritance so that I could pay for my first year of college. In the end, I wish I would've saved that money but if I wouldn't have used that money I'd have even more debt today. However, even though I felt like I did the whole thing myself, I had a lot of people supporting. I am thankful that my relationship with my father has endured through all of that and we now have a really good relationship.

    What was the most difficult for you in regard to preparing for the camp you participated in?

  94. Sangbin,

    Why do you feel confused when we free-talk? Is it different now that we talk about the movie we watch in class?

    솔직히 I hard 집중하기 means: "To be honest, it is difficult for me to concentrate when we free-talk." Is this what you mean?

  95. Youngchan,

    Note that "festival" is spelled with an "-al" at the end.

    What do you mean you showed the festival? Do you mean that you saw the festival?

    Why are you thanking me, because I visited your booth at the festival? I'm sorry that I am a little confused.

  96. Seungho,

    편안했으면 means "when you were comfortable"?

    I'm also sorry for the short time that we have to free-talk. I'll try to write fewer questions for the next class so we can discuss them in class and then again during free-talking.

  97. Sangbin,

    I'm still learning about 아쉽다 and 유감이다. You are right that these words mean "sorry" but their meaning is different, isn't it? For example, 아쉽다 literally means "to be inconvenienced" though we don't usually use "inconvenienced" in English in the same way as we do in Korean. And 유감이다 speaks of regret about something, which is different from 미안합니다 and 죄송합니다, right? The latter two speak of regret over something the person using these words did whereas the former words speak of regret on behalf of the person who had no control over those actions.

    Are you as confused as I am?

  98. Siron,

    I think you mean that commenting on this blog is fun, right?

    Fun speaks of something that you enjoy (like writing comments on this blog). Funny speaks of something that brings laughter (for example, if someone tells a joke on here that you laugh at or the way someone wrote something makes you laugh).

  99. Sangbin,

    Check out the corrections I made to what you wrote. What is the problem with all of this homework? Are you managing your time wisely (I'm only asking because I still struggle with this myself.)? Shall I assign you more homework?

    [I have too much homework to do on] Th[ur]sday.
    Therefore I [can only] sleep [for] 5 hours [on] [T]h[ur]sdays.ㅠㅠ
    I`m very tired.ㅠㅠ

  100. Seungho,

    What is your report about? I appreciate your manners of thanking Sangbin for helping you. Did he respond by saying, "You're welcome"?:)

    Here are some corrections:
    My report (only one?) is difficult and many
    I 벅차다 report=>I am overwhelmed by all of these reports that are due (Is this correct?)
    until now my 푸념=>I have complained up to this point (Is this right?)

  101. Rakyoung,

    Make sure to capitalize the "p" in "Professor" like this.

    How do you know words like "fluctuating" and "tumultuous"? I'm going to have to look up the latter myself.:)

    You should say, "I caught a cold". As far as "tumultuous" is concerned, this is probably not the best word to use in the context of a runny nose. It is better to say things like, "This runny nose is aggravating" or "My nose is dripping like a faucet" or something like that.

    Did you get over your cold?

  102. Siron,

    You should spell "report" with a "p" rather than with an "f".

    Did you get all of those reports done?

    How were your dreams?

    If you like to leave comments here, maybe we can work that out for free-talking.

  103. brent!
    this is free-talking??
    oh... i don't know this....
    and 이제서야 i know this 존재
    for 2시간30mineute 달다 comment?

  104. Jun-young,

    이제서야 means, "at last"?
    존재 means "existence"?

    Originally, the idea was for you to spend 2 hours and 30 minutes on this blog. But if you spend some time here then I will give you credit as I have already done.

  105. oh!
    you say means i look around this blog
    then you give credit. for 2 hours and 30 minutes
    if You were trying to say this
    i got it your say mean.
    haha! i see!
    i look around your blog~
    but i don't know english...ㅠㅠ
    i feel so crying...

  106. Yes, you understood my poor Korean very well. There, there...don't cry. I feel the same way about Korean. I've been underlining words I don't understand and it's no wonder I have so many problems understanding people when they speak fast. I bet I understand less than 50% of what I read in normal publications. What is the most difficult for you to understand?
