Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Preparing for Class

I started to prepare for class this morning (Chuseok Day). I only got as far as finding ideas for English Conversation class. Whereas last semester, it seemed easier to teach Screen English, it seems easier to teach English Conversation this semester. Perhaps part of that is because I have tools for English Conversation.

I'm not quite sure how to approach teaching Screen English. Last semester, I chose two movies. But I think that got to be redundant for the students after a while.

Today I watched "I Am Sam". This seemed like a good movie to show to students majoring in Elementary and Secondary Special Education. The Korean I watched this movie with didn't seem to understand all of the cultural cues. So I think I might add this to the list of movies.

But how do I teach this? Do I try to explain all the idioms? Do I try to explain the culture behind the movie? Do I focus on Sam and what the students think the solution is to this dilemma? Or do I focus on grammatical factors or key issues students can use in everyday conversation?


  1. I watched this movie. I think watch movie togeter and talk about movie character. for example 'sam' or 'lucy'.
    I wonder last semester two movies.

  2. That's an interesting suggestion.

    The movies from last semester were, "Hancock" and "Yes Man". Have you seen these?

  3. I watched this movie too. seo nyeong say talk about movie character and we togeter 'sam' or 'lucy' to try act.
    Also I watched "Hancock" and "Yes, mam".
    In Hancock Will Smith was interesting. See the movie I think our country is super hero?
    I want be super hero.

  4. Jinseel,

    Are you saying that you agree with Seonyeong and that you also think it might be good to act the part?

    I've thought about this (obviously for Screen English not for English Conversation). But I suspect people would learn sentences through memorizing and then forget them later on.

    What kind of Super hero do you want to be? I like Hancock because Hancock is subject to the same laws of nature (except for flying) as we are. And my favorite part is the fact that his character changes for the good.

  5. I also watched 'I am Sam'.

    That movie's story is effective to us.
    Because this movie is connection with special education. So I think you should ask about characters personality add the some kind of disorder.

  6. I watched "I am Sam", too.

    I want to learn about American culture.
    And I want to learn dilemma.
    In other words, Professor teach us about dilamma, so we will discuss about this dilamma and discuss about solution.

  7. Professor teach us about dilamma, and we will discuss about solution.
    I think that we discuss about solution is good, so this method is good like two heads are better than one.

  8. Hi Professor
    I also watched 'I am Sam'
    The movie's story is so deep impression
    I watched 'Resident Evil: Afterlife'
    The movie is so exciting and horrible

    Nowaday I love freetalking
    I wnat many conversation with professor in class

  9. I didn't watch this movie.
    But I little know this movie.

    I want to learn about American culture.
    So I want to reduce cultural difference.
    And I don't understand dilamma.
    So, I want to learn about dilamma in this movie.

  10. Hi brent
    As we're secondary special education major,
    So we focused in solution.
    As far as I know this movie subject is Disabled people, so we're interested this movie.
    So, I want to focus on Sam and what the students think the solution is to this dilemma.

  11. P.S
    I didn't watch this movie.
    But I little know this movie story. So, I want to know culture and character in this movie.

  12. I watched 'I am sam'
    This movie is relation to special education.
    so, talk about movie character 'sam' and he's disorder.
    we togather discussion sam이 lucy를 계속 키우는 것이 옳은가에 대하여

  13. I didn't watch 'I am sam'.
    But I watched "Hancock". Supero hero, 'Hancock' is 영웅 but he is poor. Because he is away from his a love. Although he is a happy owing to her love. And so I think that true love is a "sacrifice".

  14. Hi Professor Did you have happy Chuseok ?
    I don't watched this movie.
    But I know a bit about this movie.
    This movie is touching. Also special education are associated with.
    This movie protagonist 'sam' and 'lucy' I want to know the personality or behavior.
    And I want to know about American culture. Also the United States and South Korea also wants to know the differences between cultures.

  15. Forgive me for not addressing each of you by name. Several of you are posting nearly the same thing. So rather than being redundant with a million posts I'll try to be concise with one on the subject of "I Am Sam."

    Several of you have referred to "dilemma". Are you asking what the dilemma is in "I Am Sam"?

    I also wondered about some of the cultural aspects of this movie. That's pretty important if you are going to understand the message of this movie.

    For those of you who have seen this movie, what is your take on the message of this movie (What is the message of the movie)?

  16. Soomin,

    I, too, would like to diminish the culture differences. If you can tell me how to do that, that will make my life so much simpler in so many ways. But it still seems to me that no matter how much we try to change our thinking, we still think like the culture we are from. It's like the difference between you speaking Korean and English. You can speak in English if you have to but isn't it nice when you can talk to someone in Korean? Which feels more natural?

  17. Hyoeun,

    계속 키우는 것이 옳은가에 대하여 means to continue to settle something correctly?

    Did you see "I Am Sam" in a class? What was the discussion of the movie in class?

  18. Kaejung,

    What does it mean to say that true love is a sacrifice? Doesn't Hancock end up sacrificing his true love for the sake of the greater common good (This is quite utilitarian by the way)?

    Here is another piece on articles. You don't have to put "a" before happy. Any ideas why?

  19. Seongjeong,

    Yes, I had a very good Chuseok. How about you?

    I think there are some key cultural pieces to this movie. For example, why does Sam work at Starbucks? What is necessary to be a good parent? Is someone of Sam's mental ability capable of providing the care that a child needs? There are also some interesting underpinnings (background) of American law regarding people with disabilities.

    In one scene, Lucy (This is Sam's daughter, right?) crosses her fingers. What does that mean?

    There is also an interesting lesson here about the perceived "underdog" teaching the perceived "successor".

  20. I didn't watch this movie.

    I want to learn about American culture.
    Because i don't know about American culture.
    and i want compare the American culture and Korean culture

  21. Hi professor.
    How about chusoek?
    I didn't watch this movie.
    so I searched this movie in internet.
    I want to learn about the american culture.
    So in my opinion I want to freetalking about american.

  22. Hi professer.

    I didn't watch 'I'm sam'.

    But I know this movie.

    I like freetalking.

    I want conversation with professor in class.

  23. Professor, I watched "I am Sam"
    But I don't remember movie story.

    So I talk with you.
    Because I wonder culture, dilemma and you wonder culture, dilemma, too.
    So I want to solve the problem with you.

    Therefore, I want to free talking. Because I want to solve the problem with you.

  24. hi proffessor

    i didn`t watch the movie i am sam

    but i know the stroy of that movie

    Sam is a person who have a mental retardation

    he has a litte daugther

    she is getting grow up

    she know that her father is dieffernt from her

    and Sam and her dauthger has a problem

    I`m so touched by you thinking of our major

    and you choose this movie to help our major

    I want you teach us for focusing the american

    culture thought of the disabilty(impair, handicap)

    and also coparing wihe the korean thought

  25. oh, I didn't see this movie.
    But someday I'll enjoy this movie.
    I think Sam is very very good father.
    Someday I become mother,
    I'll devote to my son or daughter.
    I had very happy time last week.

  26. good night!proressor!

    I didn't watch this movie.
    I want to watch this movie.
    I want to learn from words and expressions to be said to a movie related to a disability.
    and I want to heartly feel for I am sam

  27. Today, I watch a movie 'I am Sam'.
    This movie is very impressive.

    I think this movie title tell us about prejudice of the disabled and pure love for his daughter.

    Disabled father raising a child that is not easy indeed.
    But I don't think father is giving up the love for a child is a good way.

    And I want to learn American culture.
    Because I don't know American culture.

    If I learn American culture, I think I can know Korean and American cultural difference and common.
    So I think I can easier understand this movie.

  28. "I am Sam" is really good movie.
    While I'm watching the movie, I cried a lot.

    I think When you're teaching, it will be good to talk about the movie story and the culture behind the movie in that class.

  29. Hi. Brent. how are you? ^^;;
    I'm good your teaching at now.
    Watch the movie, free talk the movie.
    Free talking learn natural America culture.
    Also, English speaking is improved.
    I think..this curriculum.
    thank you.

  30. i don't watch the movie.
    But, I know the movie so good.

    I want to know U.S culture and grammatical factors.

  31. I'm sorry but I don't watch the movie.
    But, I heard this movie.
    And I read "I AM SAM" book .
    I empressed that book. So I hope I will watch the movie.

  32. I didn't watch as yet.
    But maybe this movie is very interesting.

    I think that wathing after the movie, quiz about movie story for student. I don't like grammar. but I like game and freetalking. I was intresting last freetalking time. Remember? We were game together.

    I think also good freetalking after watching movie together.

  33. I've been watched it before.
    In my opinion, speaking is very important.
    So, you can give many chance to speak English for all of the students.
    For that, trying to speak their feelings about the movie will be effective...

  34. Hi proffessor!!
    I'm late. so i'm sorry.

    I want freetalking!
    I like Freetalking!!!!!

    Many student are watching 'i am Sam'
    If you want Teaching about Movie,
    You to give other movies.

    Thank you ! proffessor!

  35. Seol-lee,

    Is it possible to spell your name like this?

    What do you want to know about American culture? That is a broad category. It is not easy to define because American culture is so diverse.

    I'm going to try something a little different tomorrow, where we watch many scenes but I explain some key aspects about culture.

    Please let me know if this is what you have in mind.

  36. l don't want watch movie " 'I'm sam'

    in fact I didn't watch 'I'm sam'
    however l know this movie.
    l don like this Impressive movie

    l don't want watch movie " 'I'm sam'

    l like just comic movie

    but inner inside have satire and crcism consciousnes movie like

    l wnat that movie see after we talk crcism consciousnes

    thank you~

    see you next time

    good night!

  37. I saw 'I am Sam' too. I want to learn Sam and what the students think the solution is to this dilemma. and students can use key issues in everyday conversation.

    Thank you. and sorry...because I wan lazy...
    I will try chaning my mind and behavior.
    Have a good day~~^-^

  38. Jayoung,

    Which movie are we talking about, again? "I Am Sam"?

    Why is everyone so interested in American culture? Is it because I'm an American? Or is it because of the strong relationship between Korea and America? Or is it because of the American influence?

  39. Raeyong,

    I also like conversation in class. But it is quite difficult to figure out how to do it when the classes are so large. If you have any ideas, please tell me.

    It seems to me that it is harder to get people to talk in class than it is during free-talking. I think that free-talking is more realistic than in class.

  40. Jaedong,

    Are you talking about solving the dilemma in class or outside of class (aka freetalking)? Could you give an example of a dilemma from today's class?

  41. Changyue,

    Is it possible to spell your name this way?

    What are some ways you'd like to talk about the differences between Korean and American culture? You are referring to evidences of culture in the movie we see in class, right?

    Well, of course I'd think of your major. I think of you all a lot. I especially think about how to teach in ways that are congruent with your interests. Unfortunately, I often miss the mark.

  42. Taeyoung,

    I'm glad you were happy last week. Are you still happy?

    When you do see the movie, I will be interested to know what you think the message of the movie is.

  43. Hanseul,

    You want to learn expressions that are helpful in everyday life or that are useful to you understanding the movie?

  44. Seojeong,

    You are right that you need to understand the culture behind "I Am Sam" before you can fully understand the movie. There are some simple hints to this, like when Sam works in Starbucks, when Lucy crosses her fingers and the inverted reality where a man with a mental handicap has a closer relationship to his daughter than a "successful" lawyer is to her own son.

    So, what is the lesson of all of this?

  45. Minhui,

    You are probably right about the culture and story of the movies we see.

    Can you state the message of "I Am Sam" in five sentences or less?

    When did you last see this movie?

  46. Chanhee,

    I hear a lot of people saying they want free-talking. I wonder why classes end up being so big and how we can utilize free-talking in that environment. Any suggestions?

  47. Seunghun,

    Grammatical factors make sense. That's what I was trying to do at the beginning of the semester. Did it seem to heavy on grammar and not heavy enough on the screen?

  48. Jiyoung,

    How was the book? Let me know when you see the movie. I'm curious about whether the movie is as good as the book or vice versa.

  49. Seolhee,

    I think you have a good idea about watching a movie and talking about it. I showed more of a movie today, once I got through taking roll and fixing technical difficulties.

    Thanks for your feedback about games and free-talking. This week I've been trying to do more natural free-talking which is a bit more tiring on everybody.

    What do you think?

  50. Mi-ryoung,

    That is a good idea. I suppose groupwork may be a possibility. I wonder what students' thoughts are regarding large classes.

    Also, it sounds easy to have open discussion with students. But more time than not, it seems that peoples' mouths nearly paralyze when it comes to speaking in front of their fellow students.

    I wonder if this has something to do with being modest.

  51. Seoyoung,

    I recommend you spell your family name "Shin" rather than "Sin" for two reasons.

    1. The pronunciation is probably closer to "Shin" than "Sin", isn't it?
    2. "Sin" in English means 죄.

    Thanks for your suggestion about choosing other movies since a lot of students are already watching "I Am Sam". I may try to show some key scenes. And perhaps since a lot of students have seen this movie, they can offer more insight than if they haven't seen the movie.

    What do you think?

  52. Hyeon-gyu,

    I am surprised you don't like "I Am Sam". May I ask why you don't like this movie? Are you saying you don't like it or all? Or are you just saying you don't think it is appropriate for Screen English?

    Does the cultural background make sense to you?

    What is "criticism consciousness"?

  53. Wonjun,

    What makes you think you are lazy?

    Your idea is good about providing useful conversation. But talking about a dilemma is difficult, don't you think?

    I like dilemmas because they're controversial.:)

  54. Hi Professor My name is Yonghoo-kim
    I saw I'm Sam Long time ago.
    So i remeber this movie a little memory.
    but i think this movie is very Sad movie.
    In order to give their momhana mudanhi Sam tries to find her young daughter, seeing writing 'Truly I possibly tell my parents how to be loved?' Another question that has had.
    So watch this movie again for the love of my parents were thinking.

  55. Younghoo,

    What does "momhana mudanhi" mean?

    Why do you say this movie is sad? Doesn't it end with a happy ending?

    What does, "Sam tries to find her young daughter, seeing writing 'Truly I possibly tell my parents how to be loved?' Another question that has had.
    So watch this movie again for the love of my parents were thinking." mean?
